Just had a record tourism year, and yet DeS can't think of anything better to do than poke the biggest revenue generator in the eye over a ridiculous piece of legislation. I have no idea what covid has to do with anything.
I'm glad to see how easy it was to prove this know nothing knows nothing. It's amazing how many of them we have on this board. Just like the Marion County epidemiology expert, the "gets all his knowledge from Western Journal" guy and the snake venom caused Covid guy. Not one lick of difference amongst any of them in any way.
I posted a quote from the Supreme Court a few pages ago. I recommend you read it. The "conditions" to which you refer are unconstitutional (at least as applied here).
He will likely win reelection with one of the largest margins of victory in the history of the state. Then it will be interesting whether Trump runs again as I think that will determine whether he becomes the 47th President in 2024. I do not think he will run against Trump in a primary. But I could be wrong.
Very interesting an thorough article on the subject. It appears the FL legislature may not have the power to do this as it has to go the voters of the district first and Disney has a majority vote. Secondly, per your statement above Disney may love the idea of dumping $2billion in debt on the voters. If the district is dismantled, those responsibilities could fall to local municipalities and taxpayers, experts said. So could the district’s debt-load. The district’s long-term bonded debt totaled more than $977 million as of September, according to Reedy Creek’s annual financial report. State Sen. Stewart tweeted that removing the district “could transfer $2 Billion debt from Disney to taxpayers” and could have “an enormous impact on Orange & Osceola residents.” https://www.latimes.com/entertainme...s-self-government-powers-in-flordia?_amp=true
This will not hurt our State one bit. It will hurt Disney. But not the State of Florida. This is all on Disney leadership. Disney World is something that will not change when it comes to Florida. It will remain and be what it is. Disney filming in the Xinjiang province and misrepresenting Bill's that are designed to protect kids (Disney Worlds target audience) will do far more harm to our states potential tourism when it comes to Disney. DeSantis standing up for our Kids and Parents is the exact reason why he is so popular. Plus the way he handled Covid.
That would mean all federal cases are constitutional cases. Because justiciability is a threshold question in every single case.
So you acknowledge desantis is hurting Disney because Disney spoke out on a political topic he didn't like. And corporations are considered personhood in the US. So DeSantis is using the government to punish political speech, a first amendment violation. And you keep giving everyone a "come on man" who tells you this is fascism. It's textbook. You're cheering on fascism. Take a hard look.
An Opinion piece from the Post: "When Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Florida Republicans move forward with action against Disney World for opposing his law on teaching sex and gender, it will be more than just a slimy and indefensible rearguard effort to punish a private company for violating GOP orthodoxy.' "It will also point to a potential future Republican Party that envisions an expanded use of state power to fight the culture wars in a much broader and more pernicious sense." "In coming days, DeSantis is expected to revoke Disney’s self-governing privileges in Orlando. The Florida Senate just passed such a measure, and the state House could vote on it Thursday." "DeSantis is plainly salivating at signing this, perhaps on Fox News, where millions of 2024 GOP primary voters would thrill as a “woke corporation” is brought to its knees. Okay, Disney will probably be fine, but this might end up hurting ordinary Floridians." https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati...es-bill-repealing-disneys-special-tax-status/
It's not the primary question in every single case, but it was in the OSHA case. Whether OSHA had authority to enact the vaccine mandate was the entire case.
GOP’s cozy ties with big business unravel as DeSantis unloads on Disney Many Republican leaders are threatening to punish companies, alleging that these firms should be more supportive of a conservative agenda https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/04/21/desantis-disney-gop-business/
Even if it were true, Im not sure how this way of viewing it as taking away things from Disney that others don’t have changes anything. Let’s view the action in reverse: We will give you special treatment, but only if you don’t speak out against our policies. Now it sounds quite like a bribe, right?
It is! That’s a thing! Justicibility is the umbrella that things like standing fall under that a court has to consider before it gets to the merits. The “can I decide this dispute” questions.
Not the first time something like this has happened. Anyone remember when the Georgia Republicans decided to punish Delta Airlines by taking away its tax exemption on jet fuel, first after Delta severed it ties with the NRA and later because Delta opposed the Republican voter suppression bill? Delta Nearly Loses Tax Benefit in Georgia Over Elections Law Retribution Georgia jet fuel tax halted, months after Delta, NRA fight
They also wanted to end MLBs anti-trust status when they pulled the All Star game from Atlanta (at least I think that's where it was)