Actually the two latest polls. By Tuesday evening, next Wednesday at the latest DeSantis will be announcing that he is suspending his campaign followed by his endorsement of Trump possibly immediately but almost certainly within days.
I shouldn't be surprised by now, but I still am. How does this happen, how do we seem to have so many people so completely and willingly unhinged from reality? Of course, you've also go Trump supporters claiming that Haley is not a natural born citizen and therefore ineligible to be president. (where have we heard this before?) And then, also of course, you've got rightwing Trump supporters who keep harping on her foreign sounding name. You know, because she's not really American.
Yes she is. But I guess we can expect this crap to be thrown at her, just like we had with Obama. Even a little bit with Harris too.
Yes, she is American but unless you live in Iowa, she won't get your vote. She won't be around that long
That’s a pretty weak sauce page. Basically says she supported military action that the US carried out and then calls out her stupid comment on internet anonymity. That doesnt really blow away Trump’s insurrection or Dasantis’ wearing those stupid white boots and his woke war.
Hardly distinguishes her from Trump or Desantis. Ron DeSantis flipped his position on Social Security. In Congress, DeSantis supported privatizing Social Security and backed plans from Rep. Paul Ryan to privatize the program. In 2023, DeSantis dismissed the idea that Republicans would dismantle Social Security. Ron DeSantis flipped his position on aid for Ukraine. In Congress, DeSantis supported aid to Ukraine. In 2023, DeSantis spoke out against the aid and said it was not in the U.S.’ best interest and dismissed the ongoing war as a “territorial dispute.” Ron DeSantis flipped his position on disaster relief. In Congress, DeSantis voted against disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy. Following Hurricane Ian, DeSantis requested federal aid. Ron DeSantis flipped his position on COVID-19 vaccines. Early on in the pandemic, DeSantis encouraged Floridians to get vaccinated. More recently, DeSantis has used his office to discredit the COVID-19 vaccine. and more…. Flip Flops
The most recent Des Moines Register poll. Confirms what I previously said. It's a virtual certainty that Meatball Ron will announce that he is suspending his campaign. The only question is on which day will he make the announcement, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Iowa Poll: Nikki Haley overtakes Ron DeSantis; Donald Trump leads big
Lord Bebo, another credible source. It should be obvious that she was proposing raising the retirement age in the long term not in the near future, a rather significant distinction. It should be obvious in context but then there is nothing like a good gotcha taken out of context to rouse the rubes. I would also add the accusation against Haley is frequently used by Democratic politicians to attack Republicans who propose raising the SS retirement age to preserve the financial viability of the program. Somewhat ironic that DeSantis as well as the defeated former president is borrowing a page from the lib playbook to attack Haley.
Boy, this guy has gone downhill and fast. He visited all 99 counties and lost all 99 counties. How much time does it take to visit 99 counties? Who is governing FL? I was a big fan of DeSantis not too long ago. Not a fan at all anymore. None of our House reps or Senators backed him. None in the state of FL. He won't ever win an election for any seat again. He's going to stay in the race and continue to not govern.
Ramaswarmy dropped out, and Haley says she won't do more debates unless Trump participates... It will be interesting to see if DeSantis gets to debate solo, and still loses somehow....