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Coronavirus - International stories and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by G8trGr8t, Jan 20, 2020.

  1. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    Well interesting to read your qualitative expectations for CNN are so low.

  2. LouisvilleGator

    LouisvilleGator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 16, 2012
    Someone who follows this story daily would question it, but someone who didn't could easily be misled by that text. That you would indicate otherwise is... misleading. Something you have a habit of doing here.
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  3. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    Is it surprising the staff on a major CNN broadcast slot are so out of touch with current events (and/or lacking in even basic intelligence)would be allowed to transmit such erroneous information with an edit by another party? Maybe that edit is required and
  4. LouisvilleGator

    LouisvilleGator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 16, 2012
    It's CNN. They give certain candidates the debate questions before the debate. They are a fraudulent entity.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    The numbers are next to his head. Did you not notice that? If you notice, they are also higher than 1,000.
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  6. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    You really want to tie a typing mistake to intelligence? Okay...
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  7. LouisvilleGator

    LouisvilleGator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 16, 2012
    That doesn't change anything. If someone uninformed was watching, at best, they're confused by the conflicting numbers. In any event, people read head lines more readily than they look at stats in a stat box. Everybody knows this. Whether it was an honest mistake or intentionally misleading, acting as though someone would have to try really hard to be misled by a headline that was fixed in large print with about 5 times the size and prominence of "the numbers next to his head", is misleading......
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  8. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Lol...yes, 5x the size. Good stuff. Wait were you serious?

    Sure, I guess if you tuned in for the probably 10 seconds that was on the screen, have eyes unable to move to the top corner of the screen, and immediately tuned it out to never turn it on again, you could be confused.
  9. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    IF you held that job at CNN, would you have made that “typing mistake”? If you were the control editor, would you have allowed that “typing mistake@ to pass onto the broadcast?

  10. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    So, you are assuming the viewers have a better sense as to the real number of death than does the person committing this “trying error”????? Wow!

  11. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Over a 24 hour day, yes, there will occasionally be a mistake that makes it onto the screen. Literally no broadcast has never had a mistake like that show up on the air.

    BTW: "if" "typing mistake?" "typing mistake"
  12. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    The numbers are next to him. The same graphics people put those up. They made a mistake.

    Regardless, those in glass houses...
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  13. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    Maybe I can get this “typing job” at CNN!! I can do it as well as their current “professional staff” with an iPhone while riding a stationary bike 46+ miles at 20+ mph. Shoot, I’d Likely be much better than the current person when given a full-size keyboard and nice comfortable chair in an air-conditioned office.

    Apologies for hijacking this thread. I never dreamed someone with so vigorously defend the deficiencies of CNN. No Mas.

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  14. LouisvilleGator

    LouisvilleGator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 16, 2012
    Yes, the old routine you do when somebody points out that you're misleading again. There is a reason news organizations post headlines on the screen. Everybody knows this. You can make BS scenarios of what goes on in someone's head all day long, but it won't change the fact that CNN posted a bogus headline in big print across the bottom of the screen that could easily mislead someone who doesn't follow this story daily.
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  15. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    The correct information is literally next to his head. Again, I guess if people are incapable of moving their eyes from one part of the screen to the other, they could easily be mislead. Glad you are looking out for the stationary eye community!
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  16. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Hokkaido (northern island) in Japan is having a second outbreak after re-opening too soon.

    Japanese island suffering second wave of coronavirus after lifting lockdown too early

    Japan is a country that has a pretty good understanding of Chinese viruses, social distancing, and wearing masks. And they are generally good about following government instructions compared to the U.S. They also have fewer toilet lickers than the U.S. apparently has.

    If one or two new cases a day is too many, it's going to be a long time before you can safely re-open any economy without having a new outbreak. Very few places in the U.S. that have over 5 million residents have only 1-2 new cases a day right now. That is equivalent to a quarter of Florida, or the populations of Dade, Orange, and Hillsborough Counties (Miami, Orlando, and Tampa): 5.2 MM people. Those three counties had 298 new cases today.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    people are dying at a rate of 2k + a day with current number of new daily cases. It is reasonable to believe that if the number of new cases go up so will the number of deaths. Deaths per confirmed case have climbed and are holding steady around 5.7 +/- for the last week.

    Are we willing to accept 2k + dead per week as the new norm?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I think it will take a while before we accept the high number of deaths as the new norm. We will probably go through several cycles of:

    1) living under restrictions
    2) flattening the curve
    3) believing the virus is under control
    4) reducing the restrictions
    5) watching the next outbreak
    6) re-instating the restrictions

    Each time we go through this, we will be a little more vaccinated not against the virus, but against the images of illness and death that go with the virus, and our tolerance for death will be gradually increased. Eventually, we will decide that 2k+ dead per week is not so bad. Hopefully, the vaccine for the virus will arrive before we get too tolerant of death.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  19. mutz87

    mutz87 p=.06 VIP Member

    Aug 30, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    WESGATORS Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Patients feared to have been reinfected with coronavirus actually returned false positives, South Korea says

    Go GATORS!
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