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Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by GatorNorth, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    And with that, Trump adds another Anti-Science, anti-data person to his "Corona Virus Farce Force". A neuro-radiologist is now Trump's top medical expert on the Corona Virus? Makes sense to me.

    Also, I am sure the parents of this 6 year old girl will take great comfort that an "expert" of this "person's" qualifications has spewed the same lies and propaganda on FOX over and over that children can't die from Covid-19. It is probably Fake News that this girl is dead.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. littlebluelw

    littlebluelw GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    8/100,000 for under 18 according to the CDC.
  3. oragator1

    oragator1 Hurricane Hunter Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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  4. homer

    homer GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 2, 2015
    To make this about Trump is lol.

    It’s been this way long before Trump.
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  5. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    Pretty sure that is the hospitalization rate from the CDC August 7th paper, not mortality rates.

    Either way, I am sure that it is very comforting to the parents to know that their daughter could not have died from Covid-19.
  6. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
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  7. homer

    homer GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 2, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
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  8. AgingGator

    AgingGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    No! It was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!
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  9. RIP

    RIP I like touchdowns Premium Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    No need to rethink. We have 504 billionaires in this country.
  10. surfn1080

    surfn1080 Premium Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    China did not even public announce the virus until Jan or even announce a death until Jan 10th. EVERYONE INCLUDING DEMS and MSM even in Feb down played the virus. It was not known yet how much it would impact the US.

    I agree on N95 production. That should have been addressed years ago even when Obama was still president. Trump should take some heat on it. But he did the right thing by getting large companies to convert their factories to make PPEs and vents.

    WHO test thing has been debunked so many times... Did US 'Refuse' COVID-19 Testing Kits from the World Health Organization?
    The CDC fudged on it which pushed us back. Thankfully we let private companies work it out.
    Also, The WHO has no where near the capacity for the US and only provide test kits to smaller poor countries. Stop spreading this BS.

    Contact tracing... for 330 million people... ya there is a reason that's not a viable option for the US. Maybe in some smaller communities that form a hot spot but no way to produce a setup for this many people in the time frame we have had to deal with this virus. I agree it would help but we are not a very small country like S Korea.

    Are not most medical questions sent to them both? How is it Trumps fault when media loves "gotcha" questions at Trump as he opens up the press briefing?

    I definitely agree on the Mask. When CDC changed around the suggestion, Trump should have embarrassed it.

    A lot of that has nothing to do with the "playbook". In fact, NSC even came out and said the playbook is not even viable anymore.

    You know what doesnt help Trump, when he wants to do something, and the left fights hard against it.

    Bans travel from China - XENOPHOBIA
    Coronavirus is not serious - go to China town!

    Anytime Trump suggested a federal mandate - Dems said he doesn't have that power. But than complains when he doesn't?!?

    Shut down everything but support mass protest which means large amounts of people COMPLETELY going against CDC guidelines.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
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  11. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    The majority of the billionaires barely have a billion dollars. I would guess that the average billionaire has maybe $2 billion. That puts them at a total net worth of about a trillion dollars, which offsets less than 4% of the U.S. National Debt of $26 trillion. The millionaires (18.6 million of them, or over 5% of the population) have a much higher total net worth of some multiple of 18.6 trillion dollars. Regardless, the money of private citizens is not easily accessed by the government in a free society in case of emergency. It generally has to be taxed out of them over a period of years, and it is unlikely you will get a high percentage of that money, as rich people are crafty about hiding their money, especially when you give them a couple years to think about it.

    Eventually, the spiraling-out-of-control national debt will bite us in the ass, and inflation will go through the roof again. No one knows when, but it will happen.

    Millionaire - Wikipedia
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  12. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    The WHO never offered to send tests, but at the same time, we never asked for any either. Usually, we have the capability to manufacture our own, and we did receive the WHO confirmation of a viable test on Jan 17 from a German team. But instead of following their advice, we decided to make our own tests, which we struggled with. The result was lost time, which is something difficult to make up during a pandemic.

    The Chinese travel ban was labelled xenophobic because it only stopped people holding a Chinese passport from entering the country. Anyone holding a non-Chinese passport coming in from China was allowed in. Like the virus was going to check a person's passport! As a result, 40,000 Americans, and as many as 430,000 total people who originated in China may have entered the US during the "ban." And did we have a plan beyond the ban? No. These people should have been tested and preferably quarantined until the test came back negative. None of that happened.

    In addition, the travel ban from European countries occurred after the virus had hit the NY area after someone from Italy came into the country. The Pandemic Playbook calls for travel restrictions before outright bans, that come with testing, quarantining, and tracing.

    As for contact tracing, S. Korea has it down to a T in a country with over 55 million people. California, the most populous state, has less than 40 million. We could have had a nation-wide contact tracing system had the Federal Government coordinated with all 50 states in full cooperation. But this would have meant Trump would have had to help Blue states and D Governors. Something Jared Kushner advised against, because gosh forbid, Trump actually lead the entire country, red and blue, and not just Trump sycophants! A real leader takes a crisis like a pandemic and pushes all differences aside so the entire country can come together. Trump used the crisis to further divide the country.

    As for the medical questions, Trump should have had either Fauci and/or Birx at every press conference and deferred any medical questions to them. Trump is not a doctor, and had he allowed the medical professionals to answer all questions, the effect would have been the entire country seeing the President listen to the experts on all things COVID, and the country would have followed suit. It's all there in the playbook. Instead, Trump bungled through several questions, said things that went against the medical professionals, and made a mess out of things. Trump, who never likes to share the spotlight, needed to.

    Trump's response to the COVID-19 crisis will one day be a study in not what to do during a pandemic. It was, and continues to be, that bad. And had an NBA player not tested positive and shut down, it might have been even worse.
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  13. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    No football in the league, but Big East just canceled their fall sports.

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  14. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    You think we get our information from China’s public announcements? And, please tell us what information the MSM and Dems has in February that was better than Trump’s information? Unbelievable the degree that people are willing to excuse the inexcusable incompetence of that man.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
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  15. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
  16. surfn1080

    surfn1080 Premium Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    The white house literally announced that they dont believe China is telling the truth and started to share the info with the public. What did the dems and msm do??? they said dont worry about it and go party in china town. Unbelievable the degree TDS has on some people. Do you have proof that trump admin knew any more than what was being shared with the public??
  17. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    Your post is fiction. After getting the intel in January, Trump praised Xis response to the virus in February. Simple Google search. I picked those radicals at Foreign Policy.
    Trump Is Dangerously Predictable With China. And here is the History of the intelligence briefings beginning in January to contrast with Trump’s statements publicly in February.
    Trump had two intelligence briefings on coronavirus in late January, White House official says But blame the MSM and Dems. Because when Trump was saying the virus was under control and was going away here, they had better information than Trump? At some point, it is time to stop blaming Dems, the media, governors and local officials and start examining Trump with eyes open.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
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  18. surfn1080

    surfn1080 Premium Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    We never asked because they had no where near enough!! omg how many arcitcles do you need to read even from left leaning fact checkers on this. Its garbage and you damn know it. It never has been a thing and never will as we are a leading country in industry.
    Biden Falsely Blames Trump Administration For Rejecting WHO Coronavirus Test Kits (That Were Never Offered)
    “No discussions occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States,” said WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris. “This is consistent with experience since the United States does not ordinarily rely on WHO for reagents or diagnostic tests because of sufficient domestic capacity.”

    We put our faith in the CDC who F it up.

    So wait, he is xenophobic for banning Chinese nationals but your hitting him for non-Chinese nationals for getting in... according to that train of thought, he was not xenophobic enough. Should more have been done, hell yes but we didn't know just how bad the spread was yet. Again i told you to look at the playbook without hindsight. You failed to do that.

    You full of crap on contact tracing. There is a reason only a few small countries have been able to do it. You would first need to get everyone to agree to use some kind of app as that would be the easiest way to do it. Many people in the US dont even want web cams on their laptops or devices so that big brother wont see or hear. Come back to earth peter pan. Come up with a plan that makes sense for a country like the US.

    Trump always had both at briefings. Can you show me a video where he fielded a medical question that was not first addressed by one of the 2?

    Could Trump have done a few things differently, absolutely. The situation especially at the start was very fluid. Everyone was learning as it hit us. About the only thing we knew at the start was that it hit the elderly the hardest. Why are you not attacking the Governor of NY and NJ on their orders???

    Oh i know why, because you only care about political points!

    I get it though. Pubs did the same crap when Obama was president. Not one person is perfect and these guys have to make very hard decisions especially during hard times. I cant excuse Trump for the way he handled mask just like I cant excuse NY and NJ for forcing nursing homes to take in covid sick.
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  19. surfn1080

    surfn1080 Premium Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    Dont confuse the relationship to building trust for the sake of the Trade war vs what actions Trump took here. In his Jan intelligence briefings they warn that they dont believe China on the dangers of the virus. The very next day he bans travel.
    Even the experts did not predict a full on spread in the US at that point. It wouldn't matter because even if Trump would have said we are about to experience a full blown pandemic, the MSM and dems literally do the complete opposite of Trump just to be anti Trump.

    The past response like you gave is the exact reason why I cant relate to the left anymore. Think about the what info we had AT THAT POINT AND TIME. The CDC did not tell us until March 25th that we needed to stop gathering in groups. Mask didnt come until April 3rd after MONTHS of mask are not needed per the CDC.

    WE all (including Trump) went on the info provided by the experts.


    DROP the TDS and realize this was something that no one including experts would hit the US as hard as it did.

    China lied so much about it that we all had to learn on the fly.
  20. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Testing and tracing is the best way to slow the spread. The WHO had a test that worked weeks before the CDC. We put all our eggs in the CDC basket and ignored the WHO. It cost us days.

    And that's just one mistake. There were plenty more. Including Trump taking the leading role in press conferences. That's how we got interesting bleach and all the bluster about hydrochloroquine. I've said it before, when all is said and done, Trump's incredibly poor response to this pandemic will be studied as everything not to do during a pandemic.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1