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Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by GatorNorth, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. gatormonk

    gatormonk GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
  2. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    I heard that too. Not sure where they are with that.
  3. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009

    Big pharma is looking forward to your arm shortly…
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    Apparently Benny Johnson is reading impaired, which is not shocking given the general low IQ in the Republi-ban cult. Given that Ivermectin is fully authorized for use by the FDA, that means anyone CAN use it in an off-label manor. That story above was about as "eye opening" as saying water is wet.
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  5. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Just dropped in to remind that there never was a deadly contagion. But deciding to act as though there was resulted in 1.2 million excess deaths and excess mortality remains high.
  6. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
  7. philnotfil

    philnotfil GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    How would Fauci be collecting royalties on something that isn't his? He doesn't have a COVID-19 vaccine.
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  8. flgator2

    flgator2 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I thought the same. I know he owns shares in certain companies, that's what I remember reading in the COVID thread early on. And some of those companies were involved in the making of vaccines or providing research.

    Maybe that's how it's tied into those companies getting royalties. I don't doubt one bit that he's made money off this, How it's all tied in I wouldn't know that
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. mutz87

    mutz87 p=.06

    Aug 30, 2014
    Gotta first cut through the rampant misinformation and loosey goosey with facts.

    I'm not aware of any evidence that Fauci collected royalties from a covid vaccine, however, it is true he's collected royalties for being part of numerous treatment inventions, for decades. Scientists in the federal govt have long received royalty checks when they are parts of labs that invent treatments, and this is outlined by fed statute & encouraged, and because the federal govt partners with private entities in all sorts of ways. Anyway, most of those royalties actually go to the federal govt, either to the agency itself, the specific lab, or to the US Treasury, but a chunk also goes to individuals.

    Fauci (and Collins) would not be extraordinary in this regard given how thousands of govt researchers receive them. I might be wrong, but I also believe that by law, govt scientists have to accept them because they are earnings and thus also taxable. Fauci long ago said he donates all royalty earnings. Whether he actually does or not, I do not know.

    I get that people might have legit ethical concerns, but there's good reasons for this practice since it encourages scientific invention and scientists should rightly get compensated for their part in inventing things, not to mention, it's in govt interest to try to retain good researchers and keep them from jumping ship to to the private sector. No other reasonably good mechanism to do that. And like I said, it's not anything new and certainly not evidence of wrongdoing.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
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  10. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    Do you not remember the scores of hospitals refusing to allow doctors to give it for covid, the pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions written by doctors, the numerous press releases saying it shouldn’t be used for COVID and the general disdain for any Physician suggesting it should be tried for Covid?
    Literally it was called horse paste by many here for years..
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  11. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    Yes. And they were all appropriate actions. Are you saying you think ivermectin is an appropriate treatment for Covid?

    Doctors can prescribe ivermectin for Covid. They could also prescribe anything else. They can, but that doesn’t mean they should. Hospitals and pharmacies can set their own reasonable rules in the best interests of patients.
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  12. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    None of which changes the fact that not one doctor, NOT ONE, has lost his or her license for prescribing it. Why?? Because it is an FDA approved drug that is available for off-label use.

    Hospitals refused to use it because trial, after trial after trial has shown that there is no benefit to patients with COVID. Further, when the "ivermectin swindle" was at its height, it was becoming problematic to obtain sufficient supplies, despite the fact that millions of people around the world depend on this drug to actually treat the parasites that the drug was approved to fight in the first place.

    Further, and you know this, idiots did go out, they did purchase animal strength ivermectin and took it and because violently ill. So, don't act like that was not happening.
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  13. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Non sense. Many doctors were bullied because they practiced medicine and did not blindly follow the narrative like you. And it was more than just this one doctor. This was a simple search. And many more are there. The fake complaints to intimidate were evil and dangerous to Medicine.


    “Other grounds for her suspension include how Nass treated COVID-19 patients with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, according to the board.”

    You are not going to rewrite history. And no. I do not think Ivermectin was a life saving drug when it comes to severe Covid. But it was not dangerous to prescribe and was likely a beneficial drug in the recovery process for non severe Covid. And we absolutely had medical boards threatening doctors and taking actions against them.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    Republicans died at a clip 43% higher than Democrats from Covid due to vaccine avoidance.

    68% of people who treated themselves with Ivermectin have digestive and urinary problems long term now.

    The new variant of Covid is surging all over the country and is likely to be a real problem this fall and winter.

    But please, if you are planning to vote republican in any upcoming election, don't get the vaccine or a booster.
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  15. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    There’s fake news and there’s decidedly fake news.
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  16. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    As of 2021, 16.8% of the US population was over 65. Figure in another 0.02% are doctors and nurses. So, it is hopeful that at least 17% of our population gets the booster. However, politics and ignorance are likely to overwhelm common sense and knowledge.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    Not rewriting a damn thing AND my statement is true. This whack-a-doodle was suspended for being a liar and demonstrating mental instability. I know you guys love to twist facts and take anecdotes as fact to fit the lying narrative that your medical "champions" like this dip-stick use, but again, actual facts are like a repellant to you people.

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  18. gator95

    gator95 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    That is nonsense. Literal garbage. Please post the study showing this. Then explain how they know who was an R and who was a D. Did they go thru voting records? So funny you believe those numbers.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. gator95

    gator95 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    You going to apologize for labeling anyone who thought the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab a conspiracy theorist? That whole wet market bs you were spewing for years is completely full of crap. How about owning up to that?
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  20. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022