Trump telling it like it is. NAFTA should have never been passed. Luckily Trump was elected in time to stop the crooked Pacific trade agreement and to force a redoing of NAFTA. This hysteria showed some things need to be changed also with China etc. and being dependent mostly on foreign countries for important critical things must end.
And he tagged the wrong General Motors on top of all this. It should be @GM. Some other person or company is going to get bombarded with hate tweets now.
experts: “Millions of people will get polio without a vaccine.” <Everyone gets vaccinated and almost no one gets polio> gatorpa: “See! The polio models were wrong!”
He is an idiot, there’s truly no othet way to describe him. But his biggest problem is that he makes decisions based on the last person to get in his ear. That has been said by many who have worked for him. So I would bet real money that yesterday he read some right wing site minimizing this and said what he said. Then today he had a briefing from actual professionals that made him think the opposite and now is acting that out. I just for the life of me can’t even begin to understand how his supporters stick by him through this idiocy, it really weakens my faith in humanity. And that’s not an exaggeration.
Deal between GM and Ventech for GM to start producing vents and masks in the next 2 weeks(need training and equipment) FEMA is the one who is delaying and screwing the deal between Ventech and the govt.
Unfortunately that straight talk exposes some serious mental deficiencies, as well as his textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Trump is not a man anyone should trust making decisions on any level beyond his own personal interest... which is all he ever has in mind.
Nope he doesn't hide behind the PC nonsense while stabbing you in the back like most politicians do. That is why he will be reelected in November if he can get this fear hysteria con game stopped in time to prevent an actual great depression.
NOT EVEN CLOSE. That would be like saying if there was a vaccine I was opposed to people getting it. I'm opposed to following a Model that has more than a few critics, and that essentially calls for the ENTIRE shutdown of our country for weeks. Your theory is that the only way to stop it is shut everything down. There is NO guarantee that will stop cases world wide and country wide. Also Many people with Polio had severe life long issues. Most people with COVID 19 aren't very sick and don't have life long illnesses.
@tilly rip away ticked up to 17%(March 27th) Feb 2nd 41% March 7th (lowest point 5.64%) CLOSED CASES 156,297 Cases which had an outcome: 129,949 (83%) Recovered / Discharged 26,348 (17%) Deaths
Many people who had polio had life long issues due to the polio. It is diagnosed as post-polio syndrome. Or are you trying to suggest that people who have post polio syndrome really had pre polio comorbidities that were the cause of the syndrome?
In a broad sense, I get where Massie is coming from. Having reps in DC makes them more beholden to the party than their constituents. Remote voting could improve that. Fine. I’ll accept that as a legitimate position worth argument as a general matter. But is that position worth risking people and their staff’s lives by forcing them to engage in additional public travel to come back to DC for a vote where the result is self-evident? Sometimes when to make the argument is more important than making it.