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Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by GatorNorth, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Tjgators

    Tjgators Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    It's on the twitter page. Go check it out before it gets banned or don't. Don't want you triggered twice in one day.
  2. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    What is really interesting to me...the cdc and American Academy of Pediatrics both continue to peddle these covid shots. Yet it is clear that the vast majority of parents have said No at this point. Which tells me the doctors on the ground are no longer listening to the cdc. The AAP has turned left with a quick google search. Not really that surprising. My wife is only a member of the ADA because it is a requirement for membership in the local Dental Association. We cringe sending the ADA money.

    The propaganda machine has lost traction. They know it. I think we are going to learn something about original antigenic sin as time goes on. But there is no doubt doctors are not pushing the covid shots anymore. Doctors and Patients have lost their trust in public health and it should have never happened.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Here's a pre-print study that shows again, a third booster is effective against serious outcomes from Omicron. More evidence that the vaccine is protecting people from ending up in the hospital or worse, the morgue.

    Oh, and @gator95, still waiting on an explanation on how the CDC and I are lying, or not looking at data, or being a charlatan because we disagree with you. I'm of the persuasion that reasonable people can disagree. Happens a lot, especially in medicine. Two doctors can see the exact same patient with a difficult case and come up with two different diagnosis and sets of treatments. Doesn't make one stupid, a liar, or ignorant to data. Just means they see the same information and have come up with different conclusions.

    And the logic of the CDC is simple. The increase cases of myocarditis from the vaccine is acceptable if it prevents MIS-C cases, because the myocarditis cases are almost always mild, and MIS-C has the potential to be deadly. Already over 75 pediatric MIS-C deaths in the US.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. pkaib01

    pkaib01 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Tjgators

    Tjgators Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You're welcome to close it, but they are still reporting 1 in 5,000 doses cause serious side effects. The purchasers of these doses carry the burden for those injuries... not the drug companies. Shocking Germany would share these findings.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. pkaib01

    pkaib01 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Just open your mind and read the damn document. Don't go with your preconceptions based on a single sentence.

    If you are unable to understand the document, there are plenty of folks here that can assist you.

    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  7. studegator

    studegator GC Legend

    Feb 24, 2008
    My wife had a very rough 4 days with covid last week. It really kicked her bazonka. I never had any symptoms. In 2020 we both got it and it kicked me for 3 days and I still dont feel 100%. She lost smell and taste for a few days and that was it. My younger brother passed away due to covid in august 2021.
    Strange disease---
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
    • Friendly Friendly x 6
  8. gator95

    gator95 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Charlatan's gonna keep up the facade. Just like when the charlatan tried to say the risk of myocarditis was worse with covid than from the vaccine. That poster has been wrong for almost 3 years now. Why anyone would vax their kids is beyond me. Just next level dumb.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    Some test positive for a long time after they have recovered and are not contagious. Follow the CDC guidelines if you heels good.
  10. studegator

    studegator GC Legend

    Feb 24, 2008
    I tested positive from August 14 2020 thru October 2020.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
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  11. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    The vaccine that keeps on killing...

    WAYNE ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”

    Want to see all these credible studies pointing to a Covid vaccine disaster? I’ve compiled the most extensive list of anyone, anywhere. I’ll send it to anyone who asks.

    Now we come to my personal story. It’s been only eight months since I wed my beautiful bride Cindy Parker Root. And in that time, people we know and love have been dying and suffering deadly non-Covid illness in huge numbers.

    33 of them.

    33 dead, or injured, crippled or disabled in only eight months. That’s a lot of friends and relatives. That’s a “death cluster” that should be investigated by scientists, MDs and the CDC. That’s a story that should garner media headlines. But wait, there’s more…

    All 33 were vaccinated.

    It’s important to note, I’m a conservative talk show host who has warned LOUDLY of the dangers of the vaccine since day one. So, my friends are overwhelmingly conservative and unvaccinated too. Yet the few friends I know who did choose to vaccinate are almost all dead or ill.

    Just think about those percentages. The ranks of my few vaccinated friends are decimated like a platoon of Marines shredded by an enemy ambush, who came home in body bags.

    WAYNE ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”
  12. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Sorry for your loss. The randomness of the severity and long term consequeces scare the chit out of me. Spending my remaining years exhausted and confused is not a risk I want to take
  13. coleg

    coleg GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2011
    Garbage in = Garbage out. Gateway Dumdit? Wacko author has better stats than anyone... LOL. Be better,
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  14. WC53

    WC53 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 17, 2015
    Old City
    We are lost
  15. flgator2

    flgator2 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Dr. Deborah Birx: I knew shots would not prevent COVID infection (wnd.com)

    "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines," Birx told the Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto.

    Birx, who is promoting a new book in which she confesses she manipulated data and quietly altered CDC guidance without authorization, was responding to the question of what she would say to unvaccinated people who in light of the ineffectiveness of the vaccines in preventing COVID might ask why they should bother getting the shots.

    Further, Johns Hopkins medical professor Marty Makary said the new study clearly showed that Paxlovid "overuse in low-risk people can breed resistance and spawn new virus mutations," calling it "risky business."

    The FDA, nevertheless, has authorized state-licensed pharmacists to circumvent doctors by directly prescribing it.
  16. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
    I wonder how many lives those guys ruined...the thousands of times you heard 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    The vaccines prevented disease before the Delta mutation. And thereafter they have prevented serious illness and hospitalization. The data from multiple sources has been overwhelming in that respect. And ignored by the truth deniers. Like you. And we have seen and will continue to see in multiple threads here. The damage has been done by those who prey in the superstitious with their click bait and other garbage. Like the anti-vax economist who keeps getting cited. Hundred of thousands of people have been saved from serious illness by these vaccines.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
    Those are her words, not mine.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    You quoted only part of them and took out of context what she said. She referenced the preventive effect of the vaccines on serious illness and still recommended them. And I have no idea what she is talking about concerning manipulating CDC data since she didn’t work for the CDC. Not did she give details. Also, She didn’t work for the administration during the time the virus mutated to Delta and then Omicron and began to evade the vaccines. She lost all credibility in her work for the Trump Administration.
  20. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
    Yeah sure, that's all fine to recommend the vaccine to help prevent serious illness but that ceases to be a public health crisis to mandate everyone to vax up when all those jokers evidently knew all along it didn't prevent infection and proceeded to lie out their asses for 2 years. It wasn't just her.
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