Forget 6 years ago. You knew all of this information about trump 4 days ago and there was none of this anti- trump sentiment then. You all just accepted it as long as he kept the GOP in power.
I have no sympathy for the GOP. You knew who he was in 2015. You threw away your "party of family values" mantra to win an election. You were willing to support him a month ago after the FBI raid. Don't turn your back on him now. He is still the same person. I may even help promote his run as a third party candidate
OP isn’t voting against a terrible terrible human who lies, bribes Ukraine, incites riots, tries to create constitutional mayhem, was impeached twice, is vile to women and disabled. No. The OP is voting against Trump because he doesn’t win. Whoop dee doo.
I hit that limit awhile ago, except I'll write in before I vote for a platform I don't agree with. But I will always vote. I am afraid he will submarine the party by running independent in 24. Oh well. Gotta own it till he's out to pasture.
Give me a break. He practically slapped you in the face with the amount of warning signs he had. You just chose to look the other way.
No different than how they treated Bush. Once he was 7 years in and Iraq wasn't going great, they no longer liked him. There weren't quite as many Bush kneepads sold as there have been Trump ones, but the pattern is the same.
Plenty of thought went into that statement. Your responses pretty much cement why I had to pinch my nose and check the Trump box. It was truly unfortunate for many of us that our only options were someone like Trump or your types.
Point is, there was more than enough information in 2016 to know who and what he was. Anyone who chose not to see or accept it, that’s on them, even if we know more now. People magically got religion on it now because he can’t help them anymore, which is a fake and weak argument.
I'll put it this way. Yes, we know more about Trump today than 6 years ago. But it wasn't difficult to see who Trump was 6 years ago, and for those of us who knew who he really was, what Trump has done in this time has been both sad and maddening, but not a surprise at all.
I don’t doubt you have convinced yourself of that, but you’ve created a construct that no matter how bad the Republican, whether a criminal, traitor, incompetent, complete buffoon, a democrat would be worse. It is a worrisome set of affairs when people reach that point. Can you envision a scenario where you could reluctantly vote for any democrat over any Republican? Choose the worst Republican you can think of and the best democrat you can think of.
Hence the bemusement on this forum about DeSantis being a shoe-in against Trump. In 2016 most people on this forum preferred people like Jeb or Marco over Trump. In 2020, there weren't many people who had Biden as their first choice either, people thought Mayor Pete or Amy Klobuchar were strong candidates. This board has never been a good snapshot of what partisan primary voters prefer or what will click with normie voters.
By 2015 he had been on a world tour with the ridiculous, arguably racist claim that Obama was born in Africa. By 2015 we already knew about all the failed business and bankruptcies he was involved in. By 2016 we knew that he openly bragged about molesting women and seemed to have an infatuation with Putin. By 2016 we knew he openly mocked veterans who did not support him and made fun of disabled opponents, and berated women who he said were ugly or in their period. We already knew he had been accused of sexual assault on multiple instances, and perhaps by then knew he had an affair with a porn star while marrried.
That's pure BS. It's not Trump's policies that many of us disagree with. It's not wanting a narcissistic, corrupt, cruel human being in the WH.
Before he was elected I knew he there was a lot of evidence he laundered money for Russian mobsters and cheated workmen out of their wages in addition to all the things that came out in the campaign - the Access Hollywood tape, credible allegations of sexual assault, hiring a campaign mgr who also worked for Russian mobsters. There was so much information available as to why he was unfit for office. Guess I’m one of the 0.0000001%. Special.