I have unbanned most of the moronic trolls. I think I will be putting them on ignore again soon. If they ever post something sensible, it must be a mistake.
River, thanks. Your notice to back off from the insults had a positive impact. They all apparently found apart from the insults and mocking they had nothing further worth contributing . Before this thread drops any further I want to add something to this ridiculous discussion. There are people out there who believe it's true. My not-so-bright housekeeper is one of them. She came to work a few weeks ago all a twitter with news and a picture she wanted to show me. She, and many more just like her believe it to be true. It fits the narrative they work under, confirming what they want to believe. Anyone who posts that picture or similar ones is the lowest of the low, representational of the ugly crass low class society we are fast becoming. The picture is a slanderous lie, but it serves a purpose as it tells me more about the people repeating it, laughing at it, or promoting it as truth than it ever will of Michelle Obama.
It's hard to say who are worse, true believers in the Cult of the Donald like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan and James Comer or politicians who actually know better like "Little" Marco Rubio, "Lyin" Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and J.D. Vance who kowtow to Trump because they've been metaphorically castrated by the defeated, indicted and now convicted former president or as I refer to them, the no balls caucus. Back when they still had balls: Rubio Eviscerates "Con Artist" Donald Trump Ted Cruz Blames Donald Trump for 'Garbage' National Enquirer Story 5 Politicians Who Were Against Ted Cruz Before They Were for Him
So, you're admitting that you hire dumb people, that says a lot about you as a person, Extremely judge mental comes to mind
The welfare of the country vs. getting reelected. Seems like that would be a no-brainer, but they've convinced themselves Trump is still better than Biden. At least, that's what I've heard people I know say.