Have you taken any time whatsoever to research these questions on your own? Or do you expect others to do you work for you? If you researched it, you would be aware of the various issues and benefits of voter id laws, even if you disagree with some of it. At least you'd come across as an informed citizen (if that's your thing).
Given your history you are so full of crap it’s embarrassing. Given your history, you have failed to give an intelligent answer.
I can't help but laugh at your utter arrogance. I hope your party continues this "we are stupid" stuff for future elections since it worked so well this time.
Aww... equivocation! A statement about eligibility does not imply that verification of eligibility is inherently straightforward or without issues. That's just stupid.
I think it is a small barrier that doesnt catch fraud but it is up to the state as to whether they want to add the barrier to feel good or not. Not a big issue to me either way. It disproportionately affects minorities but its probably a very low overall number and catches zero attempts at fraud. Faux outrage.
Thanks for your response. For me, it does matter, I want to be sure that whoever is voting that impacts me and others is qualified to vote. To me, this does not seem unreasonable. I think the vast majority of states require some ID to vote without issues. If as you say getting a voter ID that shows citizenship to this country affects minorities then let's fix that problem. With possibly 11 million illegals entering our country I think you can see the concern I have and many others that these individuals could vote in states not requiring proof of citizenship. I would suspect most countries do not allow non citizens to vote in their elections where elections are held.
You understand that just presenting a driver's license does not prove that you're a citizen right? A lot of non citizens have DLs. Citizenship is verified when people register to vote.
I've always liked the notion that people in this country illegally, who want nothing more than to stay low key off the radar, want to go illegally cast their single vote in an election .
Just for clarity your state id doesnt mean you are a citizen with voting rights. It just says you are who you attest to be. No one allows non-citizens to vote in federal elections and the cases of them are in the dozens. GA just did that big study showing there were like 12 non-citizens registered and none of them had voted in 15 years. Like I said it's a small deal. If people like you who are susceptible to innuendo fear want to feel better then sure, have your id requirement, just know its not doing anything but giving you feelz.
You misinterpret the situation. I am not angry, merely annoyed. Like when one steps in dog poop, again.