If, like me, you could not see the game someone called (brace yourselves) libgator posted the game plays in their entirety on YouTube. It is all the plays just run right after one another and is about 1/2 hour. No commentary other than what the announcers were saying. Not a pretty win to say the least but if you missed the game you can at least watch what happened. It was not what I expected obviously based on my score prediction but it was what I feared.
If you have sec network as part of your normal subscription, you can watch the game in it’s entirety anytime you’d like on the espn app.
I do and I was able to watch the first quarter. However, my schedule precluded me from watching the whole game and there was no way for me to record it. If anyone is in a similar situation this will allow you to at least watch it before it replays on Thursday.
It’s available on demand anytime you’d like to watch it. No need to record. No need to wait for a replay.