While this doesn’t remotely solve everything, it s good step in the right direction. Electoral Count Act: Bipartisan group of senators cuts deal in response to January 6 - CNNPolitics
At first I didn't think it would have a chance in hell of getting through the senate, but it says it was co-sponsored by 9 Republicans. So if so, that is pretty close to all that is needed to stop a filibuster. Hope it gets passed.
McConnell said a year ago he’d be willing to give this a shot, but at the time Democrats instead wanted to symbolically vote on a broader voting reform bill that had no chance of passing and even Manchin didn’t support.
This only (supposedly) addresses the 1/6 electoral count batshittery, and as we saw even that is potentially vulnerable if enough nut jobs are willing to coordinate to violate or ignore the law. I’m not convinced this is 100% rock solid. Although the +9 Republicans matter since it indicates the approx. # of GOP Senators who would NOT vote to end the United States. What we need to do is make sure it’s harder for hyper-partisan nut jobs to get elected in the 1st place. Whatever else they asked for, the dems were right to push for restoration of voting rights act and to end partisan gerrymandering once and for all. The problem is the GOP have largely built a structural advantage through gerrymandering, they won’t give that up easily.
Because this does basically nothing to solve the real problems confronting us. We should be protecting democratic rights.
That I care about actually solving problems instead of passing empty legislations? Yes, you've won your case. I'm not adverse to compromise. But this isn't even compromise.
If any state later finds out that their election has made a mistake and finds real fraud in their elections, and they decide to decertify, then Washington will have a fight to contend with in the SCOTUS... Elections are made and ratified at the state level. The federal leave of certification is really only a formality, and should NEVER be considered immutable.