The GOP is a magnet for pedos. I want to be careful how I characterize you but THESE guys were very outspoken critics publicly against pedos but were actually pedos themselves. Why are you so focused on it? From the Grand Ol’ Pedos… Lake Alfred City Commissioner arrested for possessing child porn April 19, 2024 - Republican Lake Alfred City Commissioner Charles Lake has been arrested on charges of possessing child pornography Young Republican Leader Arrested For Sexual Torture and Murder Mar 19, 2024 - Kyle Lester, an Alabama politico who worked on multiple GOP campaigns and led a local Young Republicans chapter is accused of sexually torturing and murdering another man. Texas Republican Councilman Brad Benson charged with child porn Nov 8, 2033 - A Texas Republican city council candidate, Brad Benson, in Hood County was charged with two counts of possession of child pornography just one day before Election Day. Virginian Republican resigns after son charged with raping child Prince William County Republican Committee Chairman Denny Daugherty resigned on Tuesday, October 2, 2023, after Prince William police charged his son with rape. Houston GOP activist knew for years of child sex abuse claims against Southern Baptist leader, law partner In recent sworn testimony, Harris County GOP chair Jared Woodfill said he’d known since 2004 of an allegation that Pressler had sexually abused a child. Lane Rees, Florida Republican Committeeman, Arrested ... Lane Rees, who is a current Republican state committeeman, was arrested yesterday on charges of possession and transmission of child pornography. GOP lawmaker resigns following child porn arrest Pennsylvania state Sen. Mike Folmer, a Republican, resigned Wednesday after being arrested for child pornography possession. Ex-RNC staffer gets more than 12 years in prison in child ... Politics, Policy, Political News - POLITICO › news › 2022/04/08 › rnc-s... Apr 8, 2022 — In November 2020, a Trump appointee at the Commerce Department, Adam Hageman, was arrested on charges he shared a child pornography video and ... Eric Lipman Charged with Child Porn Possession Law & Crime - Law and Crime News › high-profile › top-attorney-... Deputies with the Leon County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) on Wednesday arrested the general counsel for the Florida Elections Commission on charges that he ... Penobscot official charged with child porn, asked to resign Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today › article Aug 5, 2021 — John Hiatt, who's also a member of the Republican State Committee, was already charged for allegedly stalking and harassing woman through texts Former County GOP Chairman Faces Child Pornography Charges Rocky Hayes, who previously served as chairman of the GOP in Jones County, South Dakota, has been charged with three counts of child pornography possession Indiana Republican Arrested for Child Pornography Indiana Republican Joshua Craft was arrested April 11th, 2023 for possessing child pornography. Trial begins for Minnesota GOP operative accused of child sex trafficking Jury selection started Tuesday, March 21, in the trial of Anton “Tony” Lazzaro, a Minnesota Republican donor and strategist accused of child sex trafficking. Former GOP Staffer Sentenced For Running Child Porn Ring Ruben Verastigui, a former senior ad designer for the Republican National Committee, was just sentenced for 12 years for sexually explicit images and videos of children and called abuse of babies his “absolute favorite.” North Dakota lawmaker quits after child porn suspect texts North Dakota’s longest-serving state senator, Republican Ray Holmberg, announced Monday that he would resign following a report that he had traded scores of text messages with a man jailed on child pornography charges. Former Trump Official Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charge, Is Sentenced to Prison A former Commerce Department official in the Trump administration, Adam Hagerman, was sentenced to a five-and-a-half year prison term after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography GOP lawmaker resigns following child porn arrest Pennsylvania state senator, Mike Folmer, a Republican , resigned on Wednesday, a day after being arrested for child pornography possession South Dakota GOP state Senate hopeful charged with child abuse after allegedly grooming, raping family member Joel Koskan, a Republican running for the South Dakota Legislature was charged with felony child abuse following accusations he groomed, molested and raped a child family member for several years. Republican Matthew Reilly accused of sex abuse An ex-Rhode Island Republican councilman, Matthew Reilly, found passed out in his car while holding a crack pipe has been busted again — this time on molestation charges involving a 12-year-old girl GOP State Sen. Mike Folmer Arrested On Child Pornography Charges Republican State Sen. Mike Folmer of Lebanon County is accused of child pornography possession, sexual abuse of children and criminal use of a communication facility because of photos that law enforcement officials say Folmer had on his cell phone. Indiana Republican Arrested for Child Pornography Indiana Republican Joshua Craft was arrested April 11th, 2023 for possessing child pornography. Craft ran as a Republican for Otter Creek Township Trustee of Vigo County in 2022. Former Oklahoma state senator sentenced to 15 years on child sex trafficking charge OKLAHOMA CITY — A former Republican state senator in Oklahoma was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison Monday on a child sex trafficking charge. Randy Gene Kaufman Caught Masturbating Near Preschool: Cops A Republican candidate for a seat on the Maricopa County Community College District Governing Board may face felony charges after the police say they caught him in the act of masturbating across the street from an Arizona preschool. Louisiana Republican official charged with juvenile cruelty The Rev. John Raymond of Slidell, an elected member of the Louisiana Republican Party governing board who is charged with four counts of criminal cruelty to juveniles, is running for a seat in the state House of Representatives.
Yep, Fascist Joe waves his hand and adds another edict that’s illegal. Change border law. Nope. Forgive student loans. Nope. He’s the fascist now. But, but, but beware Orange Man bad. Very bad. Be afraid- very afraid.
Millions have been forgiven in student loans Price cap on insulin Largest producer of oil in the world Protected marriage Diamond Joes does it again Promises Made. Promises Kept.
Why did it take Biden two years to do it? Congress fault, maybe but the timing seems a bit suspect with the election coming up.
Apparently a prez can't enact any useful legislation during election season because . . . . it's election season.
Come on man. You don’t think the timing is a bit off? Even some left leaning posters have been critical of this…
No, Biden understands that a great number of American voters from both parties have been very critical of his complete mishandling of the border crisis. But hey, if completely going against your longstanding policy just months before the election, is a show of strength in your eyes, who am I to question?
Folks on the right have bitched incessantly about the need for immigration reform. Now that our prez has instituted hard and fast immigration reform, the timing isn't right. What a joke. To answer your question: No. The timing has always been now. But for you, now is not good enough?
Are you okay with Joe Biden’s racist move today to close the border? Not only does he take inappropriate showers with his daughter, he’s now a proven racist. How do you feel about Joe Biden’s racism?
I bet this is a net negative for Biden. The ones who blame him for the border will see through this as something he could have done a long time ago. And the ones who were sticking with Biden because of his open borders policy are voting for Jill Stein now. Go get ‘em, Pedo Joe.
“F*** Liberals” That’s the entire MAGA - and thus, GOP - platform. Academically speaking only, it would be fascinating if Biden started campaign stumping about the evils of immigrants, including with a lot of derogatory statements and allegations against immigrants in general, just to see if it would make MAGA reverse racist leanings out of spite. Who do they really hate more: people of color or liberals?
You don’t really think he did it now because he thought it was the right thing to be done do you? If it was the right thing why did he wait so long to do it?
The MSM will push this out as Biden being strong and decisive. If it was a Pub it would be racist and xenophobic.