Bait thread shame on you An hour on the bike this weekend for the Pres… ‘He went past the press pool, which is positioned in the parking lot at 4:39 PM and again at 5:30 ‘ Trump would need to be air evac’d on a Huey is he rode a bike for an hour
Hey look everybody, my name is ChapGPT and I have a link with all of my Trump digs. I'm not sure why the moderators allow me to post here as a bot, but look at this funny article about Donald Trump walking.
This thread is basically couch potatoes trying to make fun of Biden for being active. If I’m not still hiking when I’m 80 I’ll be disappointed in myself. Next thread will be about Biden choking risks from eating healthy. The brilliance of our right wingers is blinding.
Actually I'll start worrying about Biden's age when he refers to Jill as "What's her name." Trump, of course, lies about names like about everything else. In his deposition, when shown a picture of himself in the company of Carroll (of whom he has said he has no idea who she is and she's not his type), he said, "That's Marla." His ex-wife, not his type. ,
Yeah, he's as healthy as a freshly crapped turd in the diaper.
Maybe it's just the some of us know how to use Google. Try it. The search engine actually works and it doesn't require much to skill to use.
Like this guy. Note to @okeechobee it took less than 10 seconds using Google to find the meme. And I'm not a bot.
How about we make a deal and neither Trump or Biden runs? I’d even take that with a blanket Trump pardon contingent on him never running again.
I really don’t see where either side has the credibility to claim that either of these two are fit to be president? It’s like a fan of the view saying Joy Behar is prettier then Whoopi Goldberg. Or vice versa.
In addition to Trump himself never running again I would add the condition that he completely refrain from involvement in politics including supporting other candidates for office and commenting on issues. Maybe add an indefinite exclusion from social media including the requirement that he completely divest himself of his personal platform (not) Truth Social.
Biden seems very physically fit. The concern about him, whether fair or not, is cognitive. Side note that I recall some mocking Obama for wearing a helmet, too. I never wore one as a kid (and don't bike now) but not sure how risking a brain injury makes someone cooler or tougher.
My wife doesn't think I'm a bot. Just saying. Besides, I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with bots. Maybe you're actually an AI product of TruthSocialAI, the artificial intelligence program from the Cult of the Donald.
He’s slender, but not fit. He can barely pick up his feet when he walks. It’s very common for 80 year olds.