I saw on the news this morning that Biden was out for a morning bike ride. He has enough trouble climbing the steps to board Air Force One. (How many times has he fallen so far?) He was wearing a helmet for the bike ride (he should wear one for boarding the plane), but all he has to do is fall off the bike and break his neck and he's out of the running.
Now if only Trump and he took a spin on a bicycle built for 2 we may actually get 2 good choices for once.
Maybe the George Soros machine lost it's leader? Lol... a day of celebration for all non communists around the world.
Biden and I are about the same age. My fear of bikes is well grounded. I prefer to stay off bikes and off the ground.
Speaking of presidents who apparently have difficulty walking. I also recall one guy who routinely drives his golf cart on to the green because he is too lazy to park the cart on the lip of the green and walk 30 or 40 feet. Donald Trump driving on the green with a golf cart is the most Donald Trump thing ever
I wrecked on a bike multiple times. If you don’t you’re not trying hard enough. Last one was at 25+ broke 3 ribs, road rash and a hematoma in my butt that made it look like an asymmetrical Kim Kardashian. Still do it though.
That's better than Trump's "doctor" who said that all of Trump's tests were "positive." Which would mean that he's eaten up with disease.
He's not running. His friends that have been covering for him are now discarding him. He's not going to make it. So, who will it be?
If so, let me be the first to congratulate whoever wins the Republican primary (please, please, please, please, please not Trump) on their presidency.