Honest, legitimate question, do you post this nonsense just to drive traffic or do you actually believe this nonsense?
I'm pretty sure there very well could be more than one picture taken of it. In which case, this may be a very serious matter indeed! (But it's definitely a struggle - I'll grant you that.) Oh, and by the way - did you ever notice that the political party you support is in thrall to a man who literally enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election? It's a shame enough pictures of that weren't taken for people to become concerned about it. At least Trumpies are very very concerned about this .... allegedly fake oval office. It's concerning.
Here’s the video, she pans around the room … the rest of the room looks even less like the Oval Office, with wood plank floors, eagle murals and more White House logos on the walls, some more IKEA furniture, blue neon mood lighting…
I can see it now: that white house emblem in the background as the potus gives an address from a wal mart parking lot in BFE as the mushroom clouds erupt in the distance.
He's the "conservative" equivalent of the liberal wokie who would scour every media source for any shred of anything that could be deemed "racist" or "intolerant" so they could cry and whine about it. Once again, MAGA engaging in a long and deep tongue-kiss with hypocrisy.
Bill, I don't think people doubt the room exists. The question is whether it's a 'fake' Oval Office or just another office. Rather than just post a rightwing article and claims that proves Biden is a 'slime ball,' to use your term, maybe you can explain what is supposed to be fake about it. For example, when you saw Biden sitting here: Did you think that was THE Oval Office and now you feel duped to find out that room isn't the same place as this one?
Somewhat off-topic for this thread but speaking of fake boobs didn't Trump say in his pseudo State of the Union Address that "You are perfect exactly the way God made you" raising the question if that's the case why did Ivana, Ivanka, Melania as well as Trump's daughters-in-law all have breast augmentation and other plastic surgeries. The plastic surgeries of the Trump family REVEALED - and their monstrous credit card bill for the ops | Daily Mail Online
Waiting for a reminder from Bill that we're stuck with the character for another three years and 10 months although if Congress actually performed its function Trump would be out much sooner.
So the fake Oval Office was a perfect replica other than there were no windows behind the wrong desk. The room wasn’t oval. The desk and carpet were wrong. The only people who could be fooled into believing this was the Oval Office was Trump voters. They believe anything.
Long day for me working in the Oval Office. I am heading out. Down the elevator and right back here tomorrow. Sigh.
Get as excited as you want about it. It's a trivial issue. Trivia = unimportant. I could not care less if it is true. I couldn't care less if Biden gave speeches from Lincoln's bedroom, the basement or the roof of the White House. I am more interested in the content of what he is saying. If he wants his own sound studio, more power to him. He has the right to make that decision.
Dear god, is there nothing that Biden won't stoop to? I'm guessing that the hubcaps are aftermarket fakes, as well.
I agree there is no need for it, but if the president feels more comfortable in this space, he should be allowed to have it, unless he is spending tens of millions of dollars to get it. What next? Check to be sure the president is wearing pencils down to the last inch before he has them replaced? Make sure he isn't wasting paper? Does the president need a secretary to stand over him with a ruler to rap the back of his hands whenever he wastes a few dollars? I assume this is about the president wasting money, and not some other strange reason.