Just stop with all your inane threads. Give it a rest. He's YOUR President and has done a hell of a good job. Is it time for him to move on because he's showing his age? Maybe. But he's a classier person than your POS POTUS ever was. Just tired of your never-ending BS threads. I should start a new thread titled: "okeechobee at it again."
"There is no doubt Trump has taken the GOP rhetoric to new heights." New depths!!! Thousands of LIES. Hundreds of PERSONAL INSULTS. Hours of INCOHERENT RAMBLINGS.
True. That is possible. The thought process of a mentally ill person might be unusual, but he did pick Trump over everyone else he could have picked. And most of the reasons to pick Trump have to do what most us know and hear about him on a regular basis. That is why I objected to the very confident assertion that the motivations were not political. It is possible. You came up with one such scenario, but we would have to know what his motive was to prove it was not political. We just don't know that yet. It is still very much within the realm of possibility that it was political. Even a registered Republican could kill for political reasons.
Trump is unhinged and just as cognitively diminished as Biden. The difference is that because the Donald is self-confident and has a very good comedic delivery in contrast to Biden's obvious verbal shortcomings and his halting delivery Trump appears to be in better shape in the Joe Biden. Said it many times before, I'm still hoping that Biden sees the light and realizes that if he doesn't withdraw he and Jill could be welcoming Donald and Melania back to the White House in January 2021.
Believe whatever you want. Crooks obviously wanted attention so he targeted the highest profile celebrity in the country who just happened to be a presidential candidate. While politics may have been a minor factor his desire for notoriety was Crook's primary motivator and the fact the Trump was scheduled to put on a performance near where he lived was the deciding factor. I suspect that Crooks started planning as soon as the Trump's campaign announced that he was holding a MAGA rally in Butler.
You don't honestly believe Trump is just as cognitively diminished as Biden. If anyone actually believes that then that person should be tested themselves for Alzheimer's.
I believe there are quite a few participating on this board that suffer from some sort of mental and/or emotional malady. I've decided to flush most of them, choosing not to even see their insanity. Two others can't be flushed so their ridiculous posts are just ignored/skipped.
We may be on opposite sides but I feel your pain. I felt exact same way when we put up McCain or Romney when much better options were out there. Lot can happen between today and November
Come on man. So I guess John Lennon was killed because of music, Monica Seles stabbed because the idiot wanted her to lose at tennis? Celebrities are victim like school kids are... its an opportunity to make an impact, be remembered, matter.
https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article289916809.html https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/article289916809.html Trump challenges Biden to a cognitive test but confuses the name of the doctor who tested him ‘Cognitively impaired’? Trump’s confused attacks on Biden start to backfire Clinicians defend Biden's fitness, warn of Trump's decline
He shot Trump because he wanted notoriety not to make a political statement. There is a real possibility that he would have tried to kill Taylor Swift if she was performing at the same venue. He tried to kill Trump because the former president was a celebrity who was performing at a venue near his residence. It just turned out that the celebrity was the second highest profile in the country. If evidence that Crooks had a political motive is uncovered I will gladly admit that I have been wrong. So far there has been no evidence to that effect.
Biden was right to respond to Holt the way he did. You're just disappointed that he stood his ground.
Made up BS. Just more Trumpian projection. Feel free to post examples of him being hateful and mean-spirited.
True. It might have been and probably was political. But Trump is so polarized it could have been by any political group with any number of political agenda. That, itself, is unprecedented.
Yep. This is the new DNC trope, y’all. Trump is to blame for his own assassination attempt. That’s the DNC spin. Don’t you love it?
I have no inkling how someone could take away that Trump tried to off himself by saying that Trump is polarized from all angles. That’s just a “you keep being you” kind of a position.
Complete BS! He shot Trump bc *THE PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES* said he needs a bulls eye put on him bc he's a threat to democracy!