Since arguably the main aspect of the job is fundraising I’m sure the committee did the cost benefit analysis. Sasses ability to fund raise + work the government cash machine vs the few hurt liberals who won’t donate anymore. Clearly they think one far outweighs the other
Get serious. If he was a well connected Democratic US Senator he wouldn't have a had a chance in hell of getting the job. Politics was a major factor.
You nailed it. Just a little good natured ribbing. Unless it’s a bus full of ambulance chasers. Then I’d be down.
that’s unfortunate. I found a lot of my law school classmates dull socially, but smart as hell and with a lot of finesse. Even more so among those I know who have since excelled in the private sector
Yes, those others are bigots who oppose equal rights for members of the LGBTQ community, so I don't respect their opinion. Hope that helps clear things up for you.
Again your opinion. You seem to be a proponent of favoritism and discrimination rather than equality. What you call LGBTQ rights I call discrimination and prejudice.
I had the opposite experience. I found my classmates interesting, dynamic, engaging and fun. We were all from different parts of the country and it made things more interesting. We also had “kegs on the quad” every Friday, making my classmates even more entertaining.
Well that’s one I guess. Does not account for the lot. The other factor, though, is that they were exceedingly disruptive.
Speaking of segregation the current objections to the selection of Ben Sasse remind me of one of the primary objections to the selection of Stephen C. O'Connell as president of UF back in the '60s (I'm that old). When O'Connell was an associate justice on the Florida Supreme Court he concurred in the majority opinion in Hawkins v. Board of Control, a Florida Supreme Court decision in which the Court upheld the denial of admission to the UF law school of Virgil Hawkins because Hawkins was black. The Court's opinion which I believe was written by the Chief Justice at the time included a vigorous defense of racial segregation. By the way, the state court's decision was ultimately reversed at the federal level. Edit: Apparently O'Connell's segregationist past is still an issue. This is from two years ago. UF Students Renew Calls to Rename Buildings Honoring Segregationists
Well, except he certainly isn't a "rino", he isn't an "ex senator", there is no reason to say he "loves" or "hates" any of those things. But yeah, he's not from Florida....though it sounds like none of the finalists were.
Well, UF could use a bit of centering My wife, who is a liberal college prof type (not compared to this board) doesn’t think he will be bad.
Dude, it's ok admit you went way overboard saying you are burning your degree. I say video it and post it here for all to see. UF will be fine. IF Sasse sucks he won't be at UF long. IF he's good then you burned your degree only because of politics. Maybe turn off MSNBC for a minute, that might help also.
Centering??? Not sure exactly what that means in a UF context. So maybe, but sounds funny. I'd say the state could use some "centering" but don't see it happening.
How do you "burn [your] degrees"? Will you never again refer to them when applying for a job in the future, stop following Gator sports, kick sand at your alma mater and walk away? Or do you mean you intend to burn the hard earned tangible evidence of what you learned and achieved by torching your diplomas? That's not politics, it's foolishness. It's the sort of thing called cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. Whatever you decide, it sounds as though your anger has reached the pain of a 3rd degree burn. You might consider finding a more constructive way of dealing with it.
To be honest, I'm still not completely sure how I feel about this but I will say that I have enjoyed the "conversation" with most posters bringing up great points pro and con. Regardless, I can't affect the outcome so I'll just say that I hope he does a good job and keeps us going in the right direction as an academic institution.
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