the right doesn't have the market cornered on intolerance, they just have chosen to put the most intolerant in charge of the party while the left just tolerates them
If Sasse is made president of UF, I will burn my degrees. Call it politics if you must, but principles matter over $. This guy is literally hated by both the left and right(for impeaching Trump), I just don't get why they want him. I think it speaks to a very deep problem at the heart of the board of trustees and the city of Gainesville as a whole.
and the fact that DeSantis pushed that kook of a surgeon general into a staff position at UF has everyone, rightfully so, skeptical of anything that DeSantis might do to influence UF operations
the fact that both extremes hate him makes me like him. don't agree with some of his policies but at least he doesn't just bend the knee to the party
Well, the First Amendment is a little more tolerant of content-based restrictions than viewpoint-based restrictions.
Sasse is relatively moderate. But even forgetting that if they nominated someone that was for grooming and college Republicans protested, what should happen then? We also have to be careful in saying Sasse has a bad record on LGTBQ issues. Some would say he has a very good record. Just because you disagree or agree on a political view doesn’t make it good or bad. That makes the assumption that you alone hold all the good views.
Please do. But it would be an empty protest. What you should do is quit your current job, the one you got with your UF degree. Then apply for another job but don't list you UF degree on your resume. That would be more meaningful.
Sasse is not relatively moderate. No, I really don't need to be careful. Sasse has a bad record on LGBTQ issues. That's my perspective. If you feel differently, you can state your perspective.
Majority of the students protesting will end up leaning towards the conservative side when they are in their mid-30s.
He has been a college professor, he has been a university president (and a very good one, he kept his school solvent when other school around him were folding). Where is the lack of academice resume for the job?
This is like saying that John Doe is ready to be the starting shortstop for the Yankees because he was a good college shortstop and played well in A ball. Let's not pretend his academic resume would have him in contention for the UF job independently of his career in politics. He may well be a great president at UF, but his academic credentials aren't on par with what you'd expect an elite university to be hiring.
Technically they do have a seat at the table, the UF Student Body President is a voting member of the UF Board of Trustees and was on the search committee. If she doesn’t represent their views, that may suggest that their own views don’t represent the student body as a whole.
lol I’ve worked as a student representative at the grad level and as an advisor with past student body presidents. They very rarely represent more than a fraction of the student body and never rock the boat because they want to make nice with members of the board as they are working on their own fledging political careers. And they are typically undergrads and barely understand at all the needs of non traditional, online, professional or grad students. It’s a token position.
Yes, if we ignore the parts of his resume that make him a heavy hitter in fundraising, he isn't very well prepared to be the chief fundraiser for the university. Let's not pretend he doesn't have any academic experience.
More importantly, should there be a limit on how many times the KKK should be able to put a flaming cross on a lawn? I would say maybe limit it to once a month.