He went to the Lou Holtz school of coaching. Tell the media the other team is the best in the universe and how your team is weak and feeble to lower expectations and create preemptive excuses.
So what’s worse? Midnight start time eastern or 10 AM tomorrow morning? Personally I’d rather see them play in the morning. Then I can watch live.
I think I’d rather see them play tonight and have all day tomorrow to rest, rather than have to get up and play early tomorrow and then again the following day.
I went back to my hotel in west Omaha. When I was driving this way the sky to the west was clear and nice. Now rain and lots of thunder and some lightening.
I have to agree with that. If you look at the weather channel radar, the predictive end of the rain is somewhere just before 11. I know they’d like to get this game in and not have to cram it into tomorrow’s schedule. We’ll see.
There’s plenty of time to play three games tomorrow, but I’d still prefer tonight. Hopefully we find out soon!
If you’ve been tailgating since four and tailgating for You include any form of alcohol you’ll be on a 12 hour bender by the time This game is done!
Welp, then I guess I've also been "tailgaiting" since about 4pm CDT. Right now it's a 1792 small batch bourbon. Next pour will be a Weller Antique 107.