Apparently Occam's Razor is a foreign concept to them as they twist themselves into mental gymnastics knots to come up with some of this crap. Is Hillary behind the concert attack too?
Hillary is well-known to hate concerts so it makes sense. It's a fact - look it up (note: it is not a fact and I just made it up).
While I do not cheer innocent victims, I do not mind that Putin will have more to deal with. I've said before I hope that Georgia would decide it was a great time to reclaim its independence and open a second front. You know Putin has pulled a lot of equipment and forces out of other areas to cover the losses in Ukraine. They won't ever have a better time to try.
This smells like an operation carried out by Ukrainian Intel with help from our CIA. I'm thinking ISIS was not involved. I'll withhold judgment for now but my gut instincts have servede well.
Russia has already figured out that Ukrainian Intel was behind this attack. Our CIA is telling them to stop with the terrorist operations.. Did the terrorists receive any training from the US? Didn't Victoria Nuland say something about Russia facing painful incursions back in February? Given the involvement of Ukrainian Intel, will Russia hold Zelensky responsible and target him for elimination? If Zelensky is smart he'll stop snorting cocaine long enough to . flee Ukraine.
For anyone thinking theasd killings at the theater near Moscow was an attack by Islamic State, nope. The Nuland--Budanov+-Tajik--Crocius Connection The Nuland – Budanov – Tajik – Crocus connection Crocus or Croak us?
A guy I know who talked to Ukraine Intel on Tuesday doesn't think this was a Ukraine planned attack. Got the following info from him: 1) Moscow knows but we don't know if the captured men are Tajiks. 2) The terrorists were not well trained. 3) The operation was poorly planned 4) The weapons used were cheap. 6) The terrorists talked with an Imam about the attack 6) Terrorists could be ISIS-K 7)THE 4 men were poor. They were offered $1,000,000 rubles each, half up front (roughly $5,000. So the odds that this was just a terrorist operation w have increased in my mind. Russia knows what happened for sure and will release that info.