Sorry, but whistle blowers do this all the time. I guess your angry at what the information did to your side... or your political Party? Why do you care if our government was sloppy enough to let out bad press?
How many lives did the makers of Covid-19 kill? That's information we all need to see. And we know who partially funded it too. I wonder which agency had a hand in that? We need that whistleblower.
Not sure how that is relevant. You’re trying to compare information that the government is choosing to not release for whatever reason versus information that is not released because it can cause grave damage to the security of this nation.
Everyone who likes our democracy likes freedom of the press, but there’s a responsibility that comes with it as well. A reputable news agency would consider the risks of releasing reams of unredacted info with no context, and would likely frame a story to make their point without getting people killed or undermining important government work.
Not many people that I have heard about died becasue of that Wikileaks News.. not in the millions like the covid creation did. Perspective, one man is not the evil man that the Leftist want us to spend time looking at while the real killers walk around among us trying free to create the next weapon of mass extinction... PLANdemic.
Of course you’re not going to hear about it. They don’t advertise. If something is classified and it’s leaked, it doesn’t all of a sudden become unclassified. The evidence you seek is. It something that I can provide so you’ll just have to continue with your obsession about the pandemic.
If that's the case you could also probably tells us about the mountains of information that is classified that doesnt need to be.
There are many classified documents that need to stay hidden from the public and our adversaries for obvious reasons, mike military secrets, but if it's about theft lies or corruption then I have no problem with that coming out.
You would rather tedious on the thread. Yes, there is tons of overclassification, but that doesn't mean nothing is classified and no harm as ever caused by improper disclosure. Whatever the world of classification is generally, this was a very specific disclosure that absolutely harmed beneficial interests. I'm not sure why you seem allergic to trying to learn the actual facts as opposed to trading in tropes
Who is the harm done to? Our assets doing questionable things on our behalf? Perhaps they shouldn't have the cover to do these things. Who and what is all this secrecy really protecting? I hate the assertion and lectures that go on here, everyone wants to channel Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. We "need" to do these things so I can do whatever silly things I do without care. I may disapprove of the methods but they "save lives." No one can tell me who's actual lives, we just have to trust they are for the "right" reasons. Sorry if I reject this notion entirely.
You and Aileen Cannon. She can’t keep clerks. You should apply. You seem simpatico in approach and priors
Ah, the "adults" in the room know better, always. I would say there would be a better case for this without you know, everything going on.
It's not for a foreign party engaging in espionage to determine what is releasable or not. There is a process for this, and it should be followed. Of course, corruption and theft should not be excused. I don't think that's the issue here.