Trying to check some items off the bucket list... my former roommate and mentor (whose daughter is a plebe at West Point this year) got us two tickets to go to the game for 2022. I'm not an academy grad, but I can't tell you how excited I am witness this event. Whatever the score these kids are the best our country has to offer. I'm praying I don't get all emotional and soft when see them march out onto the field....... Go Army, beat Navy. Just curious, anyone from this board going to the game? I come from a military family... both my brothers retired from the Army, father served during Korea, grandfather crossed the beach on D-Day. My son elected to join, and I always dreamed of serving with him. It will never happen, but my buddy came through for me again. My son was deployed to Eastern Europe earlier this year and when he surprised us on his return he arranged with my buddy to get us all on one final airborne operation. The plane was a WWII C47 that made 3 passes over Normandy on D-Day. It has the original anchor line cable to pull the parachute, and still has patched bullet holes in her hull. The landing zone was a lake in Mt. Dora (none of us had ever done a water jump). My son, as the only active duty soldier, got the door position, I followed and my buddy was the third jumper. Incidentally, he was my jump buddy for my very first jump in the 82nd 33 years ago. The first picture is of PreJump The second is of my son's exit Third is a view of the C47 from the ground with my son's chute opening and me exiting 4th pic... we got fished out of the water and display the flags we each jumped (a tradition in our old unit) Second check off the list.... it's been a great year.