* Shalom * *Sunset Wednesday, April 5, 2023 CE.* *Happy Passover Greetings to All Our Jewish Gators and Friends.* *Erev Pesach.* *The First Seder is in The Evening.* *The Festival of Freedom for The Jewish People* *”Let My People Go!” *The 400 Years of Slavery in Egypt is now over.* *Moses Leads the People of Israel to The Promise Land.* *Nightfall Thursday, April 13. 2023 CE.* *The Second Seder is in The Evening.* *The Celebration of Passover Ends.*
I know I need to apologize to all our Jewish Gators and Friends for being so late in posting the Passover Greetings this Year. “The Priestly Blessing.” Numbers 6:22-27. ”Hear O Israel: The Lord Our G-D Is One Lord.” Passover 2023 - Calendar Date