Aaaaand….now the apology. Apple apologizes for 'crushed' iPad Pro ad after widespread online blowback
I mean, it is a bit on the nose. You could write a book that is well-researched, written in an interesting manner, etc. or just tweet it out utilizing new technologies developed by capitalists. An example within an example. (Although I would argue that capitalism has led to increases in things like antiques, "authentic" products, etc.)
...and what could possibly sell better than: A. Scandal; B. The human touch of *gasp* a mindless corporation showing humility and humanity, by owning a screw up via public apology... Leading to the inevitable question: were we played from the get? (....or was this a sincere faux pas, followed up by a sincere apology and ownership, in what has to be record time.....). Ima go wit played like a Stradivarius. ...and props to Apple. Well played sirs/mesdames... (and this coming from a NOT Apple guy. Though I have always maintained the utmost respect and reverenced for the late Great Steve Jobs).
As a trumpet player, I'm mildly interested by the topic. The ad, after all, featured a trumpet getting crushed, along with other acoustic musical instruments. Unrelated side note / true story: USF has a musical ensemble of iPadists. Yes, they all play synth instruments manipulated on their iPads. The originator of the group once claimed that playing the iPad is no different than playing the oboe. I disagree with that claim, but reserve judgement on the ensemble.
The funny thing is that for all of this ad's creative thought, the vast majority of iPads sold are going to end up being held by someone watching you tube videos of people getting hit in the nuts while sitting on the toilet.
My uncle used to have that (might have been a 38). He asked me to help him sell it, but then decided to keep it. I was shocked when he told me what he wanted for it. I just thought it was an "old guitar".
Would have been better if they had Thomas Pynchon reading his 1984 essay, “It Is Ok. To Be A Luddite?” I use an iPad to record analog musical instruments… it didn’t make me feel like buying a new iPad if the goal is to eliminate expression and nuance of analog music and talent.
I think we could crowd fund this on TH. Get like a 100 people to go in on it. We each get it for like 3 days a year.
There is a funny tik tok account that crushes items underneath a powerful press. Gets lots of follows and comments. Even more amusing is a woman who rates them who has 3.6M followers and thats all she does. They simply took that concept and used it here. TikTok - Make Your Day
Someone took the ad and simply ran it in reverse with new music and it is one THOUSAND percent the ad as it should have been. That Apple didn't see this themselves once they finished the ad is damn near malpractice