I'm no economist and didn't stay at a holiday in express last night but isn't inflation a cumulative problem?
They must just be all maga puppets, I guess the extra $2 a week is really hurting because they aren’t very educated. What i’ve heard here it’s only really 1% higher than we expect and even be glad it isn’t more, shut it and go buy a TV because those are really cheap…
No intelligent person agrees that people are only paying $2 more on a $200 grocery bill. Was not a surprise to see who agreed with that post.
Todays prices on eggs chicken beef bread $2.50 white bread $3.99 chicken $3.25 beef $2.99 eggs Those prices are what I’m paying regularly. If you’re paying more you are a bad shopper. Walmart is even cheaper. This is Kroger. Eggs are usually on sale cheaper. Not this week, and I like egglands even though they cost more. edit. Here are regular eggs.
This is the post you agreed with. “It pretty much is ... if we are at 3% and the target is 2%, then that means you are paying a whole extra $2 for $200 worth of groceries”.
First that’s not what you said as you misquoted: Second: people are stupid which is why the CPI is used. People have no idea what they pay for things. I posted items that are around what I was paying for in 2019. Inflation is up. its worldwide. CPI is reflective of the increase.
Groceries are up more than 3%. His post was based on the false assumption that it was. Your post of a few sales items doesn’t change that.