^ He tells them that it's not fair, and they should be angry. Because they're victims. Then he offers multiple targets for their rage. It's like winning the affection of school children by letting them misbehave.
Never before has a president had to fight a treasonous Congress while opposing the military advances of a hostile nation. I would say that indicates two things: 1) Biden must be a total bad-ass for being able to take on military superpowers like Russia and China while fighting our own treasonous Congressmen (and women). 2) Maybe we should set the bar for acceptable Congressional behavior at some level slightly higher than "treasonous".
Trump was doing a much more important job for Russia that did not involve Russian conquest of its neighbors. Trump was destroying democracy and NATO for Putin, which is a much bigger benefit to Russia long-term than Crimea or Ukraine. Plus, I'm sure that Putin is immensely entertained by all of the hatred between American ethnic groups that Trump encourages.
Try to keep your mind out of other posters' underwear. It probably isn't helping your cause . . . much. We promise not to ask about your LGBTQ tendencies if you promise not to tell.
I wonder if maga even recognizes that he said this Jean Carroll is not my type. That's a great picture of my second wife. Marla was such a hottie when younger. Said while holding a picture of Jean Carroll
She looks like Stormy Daniels, someone who Trump paid money to sleep with so yeah she definitely looked like Trump's type. Wouldn't put it past a scumbag like him to rape her.
Peace through strength. We aren't strong, and the bad actors around the world don't respect us. When Biden says "Don't," countries don't listen. They do the opposite.
Too Hot example #578945704587 of posters thinking that some kind of 1980s Arnold/Sly bluster is the answer and not the complicated combination of sticks and carrots wielded by like minded allies with resolve.
I rather enjoy watching progressives attempt to insult me by using pejoratives for groups they supposedly stand up for.
ok fine then email your Congress person tell them to get off their ass and send aid to Ukraine among others.
infected might be a better word, lots of intelligent people support trump but are willingly blind to the warts, it is some sort of mental block
No superpower is going to automatically take orders from anyone else on the planet. They might weigh their options, and decide if an action is worth the risk or not, but they will not be told what to do. Biden's only weakness that I can see is that he does not express himself very well, compared to, say, a Ronald Reagan. (When Ronald Reagan told you what was important about another country, you listened.) But that does not make Biden a weak president. Biden generally says what he's going to do and does what he says. Trump made himself a weak president when he issued all of these threats against Iran (not a superpower, mind you) and then backed down when Iran fired volleys of missiles at U.S. bases in Iraq. Obama made himself a weak president when he let his Sec'y of State issue all these suggestions to the Syrian people to rise up against their own government, implying U.S. military assistance would be forthcoming, and then let Assad slaughter the protesters with chemical and other weapons while doing nothing. GWB's weakness was all between his ears: he was unable to comprehend the implications of Iraq having three major sects of Islam with a lot of bad history towards each other, and he was supplying his enemy in Afghanistan with ammunition through Pakistan.