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5* CB Desmond Ricks down to UF, LSU, and Bama. Commitment date 12/23/22

Discussion in 'Awesome Recruiting' started by bobbybaker86, Oct 22, 2022.

  1. gator_n_sc

    gator_n_sc GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 8, 2013
    Kirby built his team in a similar way to what CBN is trying to do. Starting with the defense and the line of scrimmage amd then the RB's and so on. Remember his offense was similar to the offense Saban started out with, nothing fancy, just a nasty defense, big guys up front with a power running game, a QB that doesn't make game costing mistakes and then sprinkle in some WR's. After Bama and UGa were sound on defense and the line of scrimmage is when they started to add in the elite offensive playmakers. I feel CBN is following that same type of building model.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
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  2. bobbybaker86

    bobbybaker86 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 4, 2017
    but remember that Kirby kinda was forced to do that offensively since his first two years he had to play true freshmen QB’s too (Eason 2016 and Fromn 2017) but your point is well taken and that’s what i actually predicted the offense would look like this season (Bama 07-2010 model). AR just isn’t as accurate as JPW and McElroy were at Bama and i mean it helps to have Julio Jones offensively too lol. But yea, dont take my stance as one as disappointed in CBN recruiting, im not. I guess my expectations gotta be tempered cause here I am thinking top 5ish while before the season, I made that “predict where we will finish in recruiting” and I said 8-10 and we are exactly right there so yea I gotta be content with that. Just gotta flip John Walker and find another HS DT and go HAAAARD in the portal for another starting quality DT too and top LB’s. Now THOSE two positions I wouldn’t mind spending a liiiil bit more to fill when we go to the portal in the offseason. Dont matter if we Cormani, Ricks, or Deion Sanders are corner if a QB has 5 seconds to throw lol.

    Also think the DL is better next year off GP if McClellon and Watson (should he be able to get under 390) are our starters.
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  3. gator_n_sc

    gator_n_sc GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 8, 2013
    Remember he then chose to continue to stick with Fromm over 5 star phenom Justin Fields who later transferred. He then did it again with Bennett over 5 star transfer JT Daniel's. Those guys learned from a method that has proven to be both successful and sustainable long term once implemented.
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  4. username

    username GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 17, 2017
    What about Dexter? Does anybody want to see him at DE besides me? Dexter Watson and McClellon all plying next to eachother
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  5. bobbybaker86

    bobbybaker86 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 4, 2017
    Dex gotta show me SOMETHING to want to see him starting on the DL next year. The “he’s doubled teamed alot” goes out the window when McClellon pops at least twice a game when he gets considerable snaps. I know Dex plays a lot but i mean he not even making plays in the 1st or 3rd quarters when he should be more well rested.
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  6. gatorzilla91

    gatorzilla91 All American

    Nov 21, 2014
    So you’re pissed that I’m pissed that we keep losing elite recruits that we desperately need to that toad faced sh*t bag down in scUM and that nobody (staff, admin or boosters) is doing anything to solve the problem?
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  7. username

    username GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 17, 2017
    I remember thinning the same thing then seeing he’s graded like an all SEC DT in the first half but not the second half….combined with playing considerably more snaps than most high level DTs.

    But youre right, I never *see* him standing out. I just think if he was purely pass rushing he would be a MONSTER
  8. Shnicker

    Shnicker Junior

    Apr 8, 2007
    I'm "pissed" that you complain about the same thing incessantly. No one is happy about losing players like that, but the only thing for most of us on this board to do is realize there's other stuff going on behind the scenes that for some reason doesn't let us play the same game. Whether it'll work or not it's to be seen, but the same exact rant for months and months doesn't really add anything to the conversation.

    If they're being cautious about how everything shakes out with NIL, that's fine. If they're worried about creating unruly locker room dynamics, that's fine too. If the will is there to pay for these players but no one with the money to do it, that's a problem. But the kicker is that no one here knows what's going on. So playing the same note gets really really old after a while.

    Yes it's frustrating, but just because you don't see or hear about anyone doing anything doesn't mean nothing is happening.
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    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  9. gatorzilla91

    gatorzilla91 All American

    Nov 21, 2014
    Well we’re about to lose Andy Jean now so….
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Endless Excuses

    Endless Excuses GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 13, 2010
    Its gonna get real with UM when FSU beats them by 20....you cant sell that sunshine in a rainstorm.
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  11. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator

    Nov 23, 2015
    And if we do we do..his loss...I agree with Shnicker..worrying and complaining doesn't do anything does it except stir the pot and annoy everyone..it really is out of our, the fans control...not much we can do...
    I try to do my part...continue with my season tickets and booster donations ( since 1985) and other support and donations....hopefully others that post do the same...at least support the team even if by being constructively positive;)
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
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  12. DieAGator

    DieAGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Really? I didn't get that from his thread. But it's to be expected when other staffs are talking to WRs about our lack of a passing QB. Who couldn't see it coming? Not to mention, if another school is going to match or exceed our NIL offer, it's going to happen. Staff surely knows this. Man, if Kitna can do better, I wish the staff would play him.
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  13. eastowest

    eastowest GC Hall of Fame

    May 13, 2007
    On3 prediction for Lsu
  14. gatordadx2

    gatordadx2 Premium Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    It happens to EVERY school win some lose some not over til pen hits paper
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. Shnicker

    Shnicker Junior

    Apr 8, 2007
    If it happens, it happens. There's nothing anyone can do, other than winning the Powerball and buying players ourselves. That's what I'm going for.

    Otherwise, following recruiting is just an absurd game of telephone with very little payoff. And I still can't stop chasing it.
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  16. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator

    Nov 23, 2015
    Yeah-If I win the Publishers Clearing House or Powerball ..I will see what I can do to help with our recruiting ;)
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  17. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    I’ll take em to the rigs in the off-season
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  18. bobbybaker86

    bobbybaker86 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 4, 2017
  19. upstategator

    upstategator GC Legend

    Nov 1, 2017
    So Miami?
    • Funny Funny x 4
  20. bobbybaker86

    bobbybaker86 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 4, 2017
    lol!!!! but yes with this one, i'm not holding my breath. not expecting us to land him tbh but you never know