Didnt see this posted yet, but this is unacceptable on so many levels. I thought it was an April fools joke early, but no.... Three-Point Line Controversy in Portland Mars NCAA Women's Results https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...cQFnoECDgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2J8blYCmiJk_OCyUiRc6dC
Once you knew, it was obvious looking at it. What I don't understand is why it took so long (multiple days and games played) before anybody noticed it. Hilarious. Didn't seem to bother NC State's guard, James though. That woman can shoot!
It’s crazy. But as each team gets equal minutes on each end I guess it’s not really a “fairness” issue, I don’t think it “mars the results” so much.
Wasn’t there a scene in Hoosiers where he measured the height of a basket. You would think before play started they would have measured everything.
When I walked courtside in an NBA game for the first time I could've swore the rims were looking lowered. I'd never had that feeling in all the hundreds of gyms I've been in. Turns out there's a bit more to it. Could they be doing this for ratings? Trying to prop the women's game up by inflating 3pt stats the same way the NBA does it? If it's benefitting them, they're really not going to complain about it. Kudos to Kobe (my favorite baller of all time) for noticing a quarter inch difference and it measuring exactly a quarter inch short.