Happy anniversary. What a bizarre spectacle. Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference - Wikipedia
I wouldn’t believe it had I not seen it with my very own eyes. This is the clown show half of America wants to re-elect. We deserve whatever we get.
Never heard or seen this until now. Of course I don’t follow politics hardly at all but that is sad and funny at the same time.
I really hope that some staffer kept the emails or texts so we can someday find out all the details on how this event came to be.
maybe not true here, but I hate this move & by move I mean the ol' wha? 'member okla with his who's MTG...a poster posted MTG posts he'd made. it's a punk ass move. Here's some, IMO, sickness. I recall my first exposure to that move. early 80s, I was at Riverside Baptist Day School. I made a comment in a convo. that was a brilliant burn on Tommy Watkins - The coolest kid in school. He had no comeback & pulled the "oh, what he said something" to dismiss me.
well we all know that is not true. Cuz here you are. Are you tellin' us with a straight face, that you glean no national or international news here on TH?