I will have to disagree a bit. Considering where FSU was, I think they have done a rather decent job of scraping the bottom of the barrel and coming up with some pieces. I was actually surprised by their early signing day recovery and ranking. Now I'm not suggesting FSU will be rebounding well enough to make much noise in 25 but I am still a bit surprised they were able to keep that leaking ship afloat. They may be replacing what? 40 + on that roster by spring? Unless they hit big in the transfer portal (always a crap shoot), 25 looks to be a supreme challenge for the Noles. The Warchant folks are "talkin" 6-6 would be a decent year in 25. Norvell? Big buy out, lets see what FSU's pain tolerance with him is before they spring for the buy out. I'm not sure he survives 25. I am grateful for 24 though. It was a "hoot".
FSU is like one of my principle competitors in the steam pipe business. I've been at this since 1985. Since 1985 I have been told countless times our principle competitor is filing for bankruptcy relief. Still waiting on them to go under.......lol Like FSU , that ship was supposed to sink before Norvell, but they keep hanging around...............must be more money in Tallycrappy than we are led to believe!
Don't spoil my dream, man! It's great that both seminole fans are willing to accept mediocrity next year.
I’m not sure there enough McDonald’s pensions to pay that buy out. I think he’s there for 2 more years.
Yep. The company founder is an FSU grad out of Clearwater. My wife knows her from high school. She is their big money person and can’t come close to what our support group has. Good enough to get Taggart out though.