Which is of course one of the lame arguments for Hitler being a right-winger, e.g., he hated the Communists. So, because the Communists were left, he must have been right.
Correct its not that complicated. People with pudding for brains want to do weirdo contortions because Hitler is like the one bad guy people know, and begrudge the association, even though they basically agree with him on nearly anything, especially the main things like nationalism and anti-communism, the opposite of anything considered "left-wing."
Rather, it’s the left fighting tooth and nail to consign at least one baddie to the right. The left always does this, ex: they wanted Danny Kaye to be gay, didn’t want Hitler to be gay.
Hate, bigot, racist.. more tossed around from the left than the right. The right has its share of insults here too, just not those same ones. The irony is still not lost on me. Not baking a cake is "hate" , yet the professors cant seem to call the cry for the elimination of jews "hate" . I mean its a crazy world. Even Democratic politicians are ripping these presidents to shreds for their cowardice and hypocrisy. There is a great NYT article about it.
Well, let me be anecdotal. I have been told multiple times that I "hate" people because I think penises belong in the mens showers at the gym. By 9ne poster in particular. This same poster has shown the propensity to defend things like what we are discussing in this thread. It's hypocritical and that person is so blinded by their political views, they think they are above it. (And no you goofballs the person isn't River )