Yes, Harvard has acted hypocritically. Of course, it's worth noting, as Gay did in her testimony, she was not president when those things happened. If we're going to accuse HER of hypocrisy, shouldn't we wait until she is guilty of it?
I'm not arguing for government to require it. I'm saying we as a society should: social pressure. When we're talking private businesses or somebody's private home, I say people should do what they want. That's part of freedom. I see it differently with private universities and colleges. Robust debate of controversial issues is a major part of what goes on there. We're all better off imo if they give the breathing space to let those things happen. As for the Berkeley newspaper, I disagree with that opinion. But I support their right to publish it.
Excellent post. Your comparison put the situation into the context that the left claims is needed here. I would also assert that if someone declared the same against Muslims, illegal immigrants, women, or lettered groups (except WASPs) then the outrage would not require context either.
can't arg with that. They love a free policial commercial. 'member the call to audit the FED thingy several years back? All 12 Fed branches are audited by a real, PRIVATE acct. firm. What they meant was they wanted to drag 'em in front of congress in an effort to score political pts. Notice, they never called for the dept of defense to be audited? Oh, the deep state is so dysfunctional, the fed is so dysfunctional. rilly?
I doubt the president got involved with revocation of acceptances, and it’s almost certainly largely the same people as a few years ago. So unless we think she was going to jump in if it happened again, they are almost certainly still hypocrites, her included, unless she has ordered them to change the policy. She made no mention of doing so. But again it’s the larger idea of bigotry hiding behind political speech becoming normalized that I was speaking to. This was just another example. It’s allowed for anti semitism to flourish.
what if I want to send my kid to a uni that only teaches the greatness of christianity & communism? Yeah, those are both horrible things, but why caint I do that? I think I understand your pt & its benefits to society, but what about when the winds change?
Absolutely you can. I'm simply saying that the societal expectation should be that private universities adhere to robust free speech and academic freedom principles. But if some university wants to pop up to capture the anti-speech market, they are more than welcome to do that. Government certainly shouldn't try to prevent it.
I think the question isn't whether she'd jump in. The question is if she has effected any policy changes to err more on the side of free speech. I don't know the answer to that question.
Yes. I actually think it's likely unconstitutional, as ironic as that is. But unsurprisingly, no private university in California wants to take on the bad press that would come with suing to invalidate that statute.
The instances you refer to occurred in the classroom. Read the statement from Penn again, where even free speech cannot disrupt learning. As an aside, the art and Chinese word that sounds like n-word were just ridiculous stupid consequences, but again, they occurred in the classroom.
Well, the stated purpose of the law is to protect free speech when it in fact violates the Free Speech Clause.
your sentence reads as if the fact that YOU think it is unconstitutional is what you find ironic, not the least as I read it.
Notice they are all Ivys. Not even public schools. This is donor service for elites who want return on investment. The ruling class is fighting with itself.
Penn faculty fear the donor who started the effort to oust Liz Magill is attempting to set the agenda for trustees If you were wondering where things are heading…
Faculty? Only if you consider anyone making low 6 figures elite. They certainly don’t have the dough to get congress to do hearings for them.