i look and look and look, yet no tiktok queen.........ll.
or clinton or jfk...
nor should he, she recruited these players, injuries are part of the game, she is, again, imo, in over her head as a coach
was talking about beck and his girlfriends cars ripped off
just dont go to miami......
can you say spoiled
and sully
they really need to follow the men and go to 30 conferance games, eliminate some of the stat building games
in those situations the runner is suppose to look at home,go when the coach says go
Not to mention title 9
Do not do not need to beg,did they come here for uf or boos
what if she was cindy crawford?
lock her up.telling people how to avoid the law, any law, needs to be punishable.
Does stricklin have a 3 sidded coin?
nah, i will stay at hypocrites
i am talking about people who say they will do one and then do not, aka libbies who said they would leave yet are still here, hypocrits if you will.
a mouth talker, one who runs their mouth about doing something and then does not, thus running their mouth
I will believe this when all the libby celebs who twice have said they would leave if trump won,the mouthtalkers are still here,
so, the sky is falling, yet 2 weeks ago with a plus 198 score things were great, get a grip people, its 1 meet.
any ideas on the missing 2?