Just what is a communist? Caring for people in need? We are to teach the evils of Communism in Florida. I can think of no Communist Nation,...
What two did he miss
Need to get in another conference. Face more competition all year.
I was given a polio vaccine in a school auditorium in 1956. It solved many problems I later met people who suffered from the disease. My...
Equally oppurnity is all most ask.
State law does not mean it is morally right. There were better ways in which to handle it.
Why not the Board of Trustees and their enforcers. Although, it may have been required by law. A university is an educational institution, not a...
What is no information. Ronnie trying to out Donnie
Even Democrats be crooks. Trump leads the line.
Can there be so much hate I had a polio vav in a hs audurtiom
Doubt he will be a junior , hope I am wrong. Trying do to much on his own. One bad shot, try to due too much to fix
Not making first team in elementary school, my comments must be taken in that context. Too many players, in UF history, although many points...
Great game. Need to expect to win, than fear they will lose.
If the States call a Constitutional Convention, it will be more restrictive on individual rights. Gerrymandering can not be handled in the...
Did not read the entire thread. I am what you refer as to old . I remember young teenagers felony charges for just using The opposition is from...
The solution is that a speaker cannot soly decide what bills can be called for a vote. Minority leader has same right to.demand speaker allow...
The early schedule is great. Conference to easy, become careless perhaps