I have a bottle of the Clase Azul Ultra.
Dude, if you live where that picture is taken (Jackson Hole) you are in God's Country. I worked out there during a college summer in 1984. My...
Well, the airplane for the company I work for is housed there. It was here yesterday in fact and landed yesterday at HKS. Now it would have...
Hmm, I know an airplane at that airport...
Are we talking HKS?
I 100% bet this is how it went down. If he backs out now that is not on the AD, he just wanted to go somewhere else and he can have whatever...
That is about as official as it gets. You are the MAN Candy!
You must be at Quantico. :) Was in Fred for 10 years... Glad I am gone and I do NOT miss that commute ( I worked up in Reston area).
Look up and wave... :P