This thread is dying. Somebody do or say something......stupid.
It is funny how nobody can spell Stricklin.
I hope you're trolling or on strong medication....
This morning was the first time I noticed the Gator tattoo in Myakka's signature pic. The pic itself was never missed, just to clarify.
TAMU fans overrate their program like no other. Even worse than us! ;)
72 and Sunny according to the NWS in Gainesville Saturday. Why not go?
I learned nothing.
Less than 25000 to 1,000,000 views
RIH to Manson, RIP to the rest.
Miller High Life
10,000 views in a little over 10 minutes. F5 going strong. On our way to 1,000,000....
Scott Strokelong is my favorite Stricklin bastardization.
Getting close to 1,000,000 views....
Trill is a flirt.
Ah her soothing voice will be calling the FSU Florida game (Beth Mowins, ESPN Z team lol) [IMG]
CBS reported UCLA and Kelly are meeting today. i told another poster this morning I got incinerated for saying something so extreme about the messiah Chip Kelly!!!!! His...
Oh yeah!