I think twitter being down is desirable.
Do you not know what happened or are you just trying to support your side?
Autopen is less of a concern than an incompetent person making decisions....or having them made by an unauthorized person.
That's a good thing for them to review. He was not fully functional mentally in those later months.
He's a politician and he's not stupid. He can see how the left wing idiocy has harmed the party nationwide.
It's always encouraging to hear a democrat standing up for common sense. Maybe the party is starting to recognize that catering to the far left...
Nice. It would have been better not to announce it. I know....OK, boomer.
I'd have him wear kneepads that said 'Have a Nice Day'.
I'd hire Chauvin as airline security. Put him at the front door where everyone sees him. I'll bet everyone would stay in their seat and not make...
This is why I never get wacked out on fentanyl, try to pass off counterfeit money and resist arrest.
Election year. They wanted uprising.
You sound like you have little knowledge of the case. How do you not know he was on video inside of the construction site? Did you not see the...
Well, let that be a lesson to criminals who snoop in other people's houses, yaknowwhatimean, Verne? ;)
I'm surprised they didn't give him a statue.
The story that you seem to be seeing is some guy innocently out for a jog and people run up and shoot him. I think you may be missing a few steps.
See if you can guess who that guy is and where the picture was taken.
Arbery, who had a criminal history of stealing, was snooping around in a construction area. When he was discovered, he ran. He was only shot...
What if you're consistently "black siding" the craziest most egregious cases.....
It would make the news but it wouldn't be a race issue. Al and Jesse wouldn't show up to fan the flames.
If there wasn't a white side and a black side, you wouldn't even know the names because the media would barely cover it, if at all.