While getting a one seed would be great….a two seed is still pretty special. This late in the season, I just want us to stay healthy & make some...
I know that analytics saw….shoot the three….shoot the three. My opinion, we’re better when there is a balance of rim runs, mid-range & shooting...
So many bad memories playing there…we’ve lost there in every way imaginable….to multiple teams & coaches. I’m still scratching my head that we’re...
Hate it, but that’s today’s college football.
I was working in Maine and now Connecticut. I say it, on purpose, just to see the reactions. It’s a hoot.
I’m not ready for the comparisons…..yet. Gotta see how that first month of in conference play pans out. That being said, with last years team and...
Lol !!! :p
I only watched enough of the game to see the butt whipping coming. For me, that made my night. UT is the team I dislike most in the SEC. So much...
Like the way your son thinks !!!!
Similar Story for me. Both my Uncles served, one Navy ( USS Indiana), one a Ft Benning Infantryman. All we knew was, they served…..until after...
We won a game, on the road, against a rival. I couldn’t see the game, but listened on wruf. Not bad for the 4th game of the season, while we’re...
Out of all the comments made so far….this is an interesting one to consider. I remember when Houston ran it with Ware, it was still considered...
As we all seem to agree that Badger is legit, his numbers at ASU were underwhelming. The offense & QB have a lot to do with WR stats. While on...
Looking forward to this one. Counting on Vandy showing up and making it a street fight.
First, let’s be careful with saying who’s “ elite”. Our offense, prior to KY, just wasn’t built to showcase a WR, consistently. Ricky was an...