[ATTACH] You say that like you don't believe it happened. Evidence attached. I'm just sayin'...
You should check out a Ranger Battalion...depth plus skill plus selflessness produces excellence.
Fu@% 'em. More grist for the mill of hate that will drive our success. We prove our excellence on the court, not in self-congratulatory plaudits.
...combined with the redolence of mold and muriatic acid fighting for microbial dominance.
Such an excellent post. I come here because so many here know so much more than I do about the insides of a basketball game. I learn a lot. For...
Corey Brewer's falling down shot vs. Georgetown doesn't go in...how would we remember those players? WOULD we remember them the way we do now? I...
It’s sad we so define teams by the post-season. I hope we can appreciate this team no matter what happens from here.
Plus the Vols started the year much higher rated in the eyes of 'experts' than we were. People tend to confirm their prejudices.
I live here in the Belly of the Vol Beast: I'd enjoy nothing more than for them to be slighted, disrespected, indignant...then go out and choke a...
"He can take his'n and beat your'n and take your'n and beat his'n" is the way Todd Golden seems to be coaching. Versatility: QED
My background under arms informs my bedrock belief that focusing on any individual diminishes both them and the rest of the unit. They are not...
There's no "I" in "Team".
News flash! Fans have diametrically opposite opinions on announcers covering Gator games! [ATTACH]
I’ve only seen highlights but he sounded positive about our guys. He was a Vol I enjoyed watching.
Sometimes head coaches need to learn as much about themselves / coaching from a loss as players do about themselves / playing.