It definitely can be tied to falling behind but doesn't necessarily have to be. People are social creatures by design and kids need that...
I would also argue that the mental health issues for many kids being isolated and not at school may even be a bigger issue.
Agreed. The good seroprevalence studies have generally showed it in that range. I assumed most people knew it was never a 5% fatality rate that...
Such irony isn’t it.
Yes which is scary. Fortunately, there seems to be a lot of optimism on the vaccine by early 2021.
Thanks for sharing. Previously they had the symptomatic infection fatality rate at 0.4% and asymptomatic at 35% which results in a true infection...
I don't the CDC ever said this although they probably alluded to it based on the following: 1. They came out with the 0.4% symptomatic infection...
The 7 day average in Florida has been pretty flat with maybe a slight increase but far from a spike. Not to say it can't happen but has not yet.
I think you know the answer to it. The combination of better treatment, higher identification, and younger patients. Elderly and assisted living...
I took a test last Friday around 2 pm in Palm Beach County at MD Now. I called on Tuesday to make an appointment and they were booked up until...
Here is the best way I can answer it. The State of Florida reports new numbers once a day (a couple of months ago - it was 2 times a day). The...
That is a nice tool they have developed.
I follow world o meters but not for their test data. The covid tracking project has great data on tests and reports useful graphs on their twitter...
I wouldn't put any faith in the "critical case" or "recoveries" from world o meters. That data is just too hard to obtain. Cases, deaths, and...
From reviewing the seroprevalence data from several studies, I believe the actual infection mortality rate is somewhere between 0.5-1.5%. So it...
Great post and absolutely agree. One minor correction: 640k/365 = 1753 deaths per day due to heart disease. I am keenly aware of heart disease as...
While I agree with you, it seems like you just copy and pasted Clay Travis's tweet this morning. The Body Mass Index (BMI) scale should not be...
BMI as a useful tool when looking at a large population but is generally a poor indicator on an individual basis. I have 15% body fat but am...
The more stats we can obtain, the better educated our policy decision can be. Unfortunately, 120 million+ Americans have heart disease (according...
Thanks for the link. That is a helpful site. However, I would caution using some of the data such as hospitalization. If you scroll down the...