Depends on how you use it. For instance, don't try it as an, er, personal lubricant. [IMG]
Velcro. Hand-held computers. Laser-range finders.
Here is a link to both, disregard the headline: Russia shot down 337 Ukrainian drones, biggest attack in three years | AP News
No, I had not seen that. But two points: First, if China really could see our stealth aircraft (when they are operating as stealth aircraft),...
First I’m hearing of it. I’ll give it a look. It’s obviously about deterring China one way or another. I can tell you they have real concerns...
Beats being crushed between the gears of a very large clock.
I feel like I already acknowledged the internet sources asserting the numbers were that high. My question is how those numbers will match reality...
In my opinion, a number as high as 15,000 makes it sound like this would be at least disruptive if not have a direct operational impact on the...
I’m curious if you believe that’s an accurate number. I, too, have seen reporting along those lines, usually from sources with a bias against this...
Correct. Do you have evidence of a big successful Russian offensive, or is this just another one that’s going to inevitably happen?
No, that wasn’t a challenge from me. I really wanted to read what you were talking about. I just can’t find anything open source to that effect....
Where are you seeing this? Do you have a link?
No, you didn’t.
Fascinating. People still watch Rachel Maddow. I had no idea …
That is true enough. And all I can say in this case is, it’s better than no words.
That was my first thought. “Tariffs” is not the right term here, and “sanctions” is not wholly accurate either. As you say, it’s difficult to...
Well, that’s pessimistic but not an altogether unreasonable interpretation given what we have seen over the last two weeks. Since I have no...
It is about time we see a signal of pressure to the guilty side of this conflict.
Nah, nah, nah, man. Ukraine is going to, like, collapse any day now. U.S. support was the only thing standing between them and complete defeat....
So you now acknowledge that conquest of Ukraine the ultimate goal, and that these negotiations are only a means to buy time and reconstitute?...