We need physical facilities in which the mentally ill among us can live. A lot of the homeless in my community are mentally ill and cannot take...
What is the basis of all these claims of a Biden-Chinese connection or relationship? I would like to read some reporting from legitimate sources,...
Just repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the marketplace and judicial system will ferret out the truth published online.
No, that helps vets, not Trump.
... and will remind them that he shared his paper towels with them in a time of need. [IMG]
What an ignorant human.
And the master carpenter spoke about the kingdom of God more than anything else telling us that this kingdom of God is within you and me. Quite a...
Liz Cheney - Homeland Security
Liz Cheney comes to mind, perhaps
Yep, serve up a good Rockefeller Republican and you got my vote.
If they had done that I would still be a Republican.
and amoral.
So, 12 jurors who heard and decided beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump committed 34 felonies are going to pay? Or is it the NY DA that has hell...
This was not a political win but a determination made by a jury of ordinary people.
Can you post any court pleadings, particularly orders or judgments, that can she some light on the allegations that you have posted?
I agree. To me, this is the proper use of tariffs to equalize costs so that our domestic producers can fairly compete.
Is that basically talking about my arm getting sore because I got vaxed?
None of this new. Rs have been manipulating the southern white redneck since the southern strategy. Why will it stop working?
I agree. The "greatest generation" was great because they collectively acted in sacrifice for the next generation - planted seeds to grow trees...
Amen. How is that hard to understand?