Even in a moment of extreme sensitivity and empathy, one should never feel sorrow for FSU. I read somewhere that UCF took the liberty to claim...
Additionally, several lightweight materials were developed. The space program brought ICs and microchips into practical consumer applications...
Nonsense. No one has an irrational hatred of EVs. Many, myself included will not be interested until the technology matures enough to make them...
I would take exception to “credible and reasonably competent”. It was more like that he was probably the only high profile Democrat that had not...
Well, one thing is blatantly apparent; Billy is much, much better at coaching football than this clown is at analyzing it. What an idiot. Worse...
Yes, I did. I did that on or around the first few times you posted. I must be honest though, I haven’t paid much attention over the subsequent...
I can only imagine the rock you have been living under for many years now, but are you honestly going to bring your sorry arse here and act like...
Todd, and others doing the same are just in full fledged damage control. Nothing new has come out regarding Biden since the debate. Yet the same...
Of course. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Surprised you felt a need to clarify. What a ridiculous post
Most, if not all were not critical because he was technically married. They were critical because because she was a young and banging an old man...
It doesn’t change the overall picture, but he was separated from wife number 2 when he met wife number 3. Affairs after separation are generally...
I can only go by post #3.
In other news, Marla still has a very nice rack!!
My guess is that Jo would not want to be either of the two on the ends but put in high bids for the pink and purple positions.
Cliff notes were originally published but none were selling so printing stopped. I read that the publisher was trying to sell some production...
Don’t tease me like that!!!! That would re-define the word funny.
It’s a picture of an elderly Ray Graves holding a picture of him and Spurrier when Steve played for him.
Never has Joke Shambles Stadium been a more appropriate nickname!
You are correct. I forgot about that one.
Have you ever considered donating your brain to science when you pass?