Not I but I hope he or she wins for my own selfish reason.
Are we saving our timeout for SEC tournament game against the dogs ?
I was a little skeptical of YouTube reactions of music I liked in the 70's as well. Every once in a while I will see a deep cut that I thought...
High Tide, High Tide Lol
Quick game, not many fouls called. Dan Cross ? and Chris (Cliff) Richards in attendance.
45 fouls in Tenn vs Illinois game. Good Grief
Illinois playing Tennessee tough. Tenn 31-30 at the half
A&M 211-33 rushing yards. So far. A&M punter also changed field position when they weren't scoring. Fun game to watch though.
14-12 Alabama at halftime
Jon Gruden says he is interested in coming back to college
Thats kind of exactly how I feel. Like I'm offered a PBR or Natty Light but I really want a Stella, Corona, Pacifico or something so I just walk...
Nice. I went to one years ago near Cocoa or the Cape but I don't believe they do it anymore. Looked similar.
Sporadically watched but, Looked like Tennessee shooting went cold at end of first half. Where was that Sunrise Easter service at Bazza?
Just want to watch a good game, watch some gators. Maybe leaning as usual toward the underdog. If Purdy's team wins...does he become relevant?...
9 years of college down the drain
Looks like Air Force won 31-21
Verne says it's Cliff
I think it was 1967 when I was 8 years old and lived in California. My mother said that a couple of Oakland Raiders were down at the local...
Blutarski ?
I sure hope control gets better for Cags. Right now if I were batting Lefty I would want full body armor against him.