I would like to see Ran Carthon get an interview.
Alabama Jones??
I haven't delved too much into the weeds, but there was a penalty there. I think the one called was illegal touching. Bama's receiver that caught...
Throw out last year as an outlier and his record is 19-25. It would be 19-27 but for Covid. I say sign him to an extension to send a message to...
There's an APB out on the Spanx lady as we speak..
Catcher. It was one of those weird things that stuck in my mind. It may not have even been him, but it was from someone that had some hamstring...
I saw someone make an observation a long time ago, maybe it was Johnny Bench, that basketball players didn't seem to have as many hamstring...
Different position, but Pyburn reminds me of James Bates.
I know Alonzo Johnson passed this year.
At what point are we just going to relieve the AD of football duties and hire a GM. Bring in Ran Carthon and run the program like an NFL team.
Well, evidently Tom Petty Day is this Saturday. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to announce..
That whole band is solid. 30 years with the same 5 guys. Ryan is a heckuva guitar player and very underrated. I happened to see them a couple of...
Name's on the door..
The last 2 years, there has been Tom Petty Day at a football game. Last year it was the game with "The Catch" by Pearsall.
I can't find any info for this year. Last year was billed as 2nd annual. Was it 2 and done?
Just my humble opinion, First off hire a football GM who's entire responsibility is running all aspects of the program. Ran Carthon maybe? Average...
I haven't seen it posted anywhere else, but after seeing Norvell's buyout ($65m), it could be worse..
At some point, Mayfield gonna Mayfield. Credit to him, he recognizes that Evans is gold and relies on him. If he can sustain his play over the...
I don't remember him dropping many. If he got his hands on it, even in traffic, it was his. No need to rush back, get well and get better.
At what point does he sacrifice an Escape Goat?