One more ooc win, one more sec win. In the playoffs hopefully. Champs for DJs junior year. You heard it here.:alligator:
And please start it two or three weeks earlier. It should all be over by now. These guys start class on Monday.:rolleyes:
Was at a Yankees/Redsox game and witnessed the only postseason cycle in MLB history. 16-1 Sox win. On our way thru the concourse in the ninth...
He might have done better in New Orleans. Gunner was not impressive.
The wrong OC makes it worse, the right one better. Billy is betting our improvement continues with the status guo.
I wonder how many of the army have gatorcountry accounts? Hey guys, great job!! Keep up the good work!
It’s all about plausible deniability.
I’ll give to any player who graduates from the University of Florida.
And LSU has that Underwood money to spend. They are definitely gonna be buyers in the portal.
Haven’t heard a peep about McClain. Hope it all works out for him.
DJs ability to hit downfield passes opened up the running game. He’s got about the same number of completions as Graham and twice the yards....
The bigger tournament is hurting the conferences(championship). Maybe that’s not so unintended. Hope they can think of a good way to keep it.
Did Sasse get wind of this and bail?
Yes, Fuchs needs to take a firehose to the Athletic department. This stuff is relentless!?!!
Here’s one I never understood. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CyddGFn7Fr4&pp=ygUZU3B1cnJpZXIgc2hvcnQgZmlyc3QgZG93bg==
Shoeless Joe first, then a hundred years later Pete could go in. If you’re gonna let em in.
Those are the flyover counties. Lots of good gators out there/here!