Thanks for the correction. For some reason, I thought she was a soph. Still, it looked to me like she felt a ton of weight lift from her...
I wasn't one who said it, because it's an over-reaction to say "never" about any athlete early in their career. However, I watched her really...
You beat me to it! LMAO
If butt targeting doesn't make the list, I shudder to think what type of behavior is required to do so.
I was there. Yes, she looked good. Delivery looked good (to me), control was good. I'd say velocity was in the low 60s; I had the impression...
Bottom first: UF 2 runs, 2 hits (Falby, Erickson) two walks, 2 lob
We are at GCU's field. Red is starting vs NMS. Top of 1st: 3 up 3 down. K, F-5, G1-3.
Gotta' agree with this. Yesterday was my first time to see her in person, and she has the look of a truly great player.
We were there. Holtdorf's E was a tough hop. The scorer also removed the first ASU error (by their shortstop). Yeah, the sun was a factor. But...
Oh, my. Somebody is big mad that their "competitve advantage" is gone. If they can't beat you on the field, they'll find a different way to...
Any AD who considers that for even one second shouldn't be the AD.
I love to watch their bombs-away mindset of hitting. But, how far has it ultimately taken A&M?
We'll be there; flying out to visit family and take in some UF softball. But we arrive late on Thursday, so won't make the practice.
Another fun memory, circa 1985. I was stationed west of Phoenix and went to a Phoenix Firebirds (minor league AAA) game, where Dave Kingman was...
I'm right down the street from there.
Meh. I'm neither surprised, disappointed, nor interested anymore.
Also in The 'View. Got about 5 inches here close to the airport. I decided to go full monty: walked in the storm with the wife and dog, made snow...
I grew up a fan of the Reds. I was 12 when my dad took me to a game at old Crosley Field where I got to see Hank Aaron get his 3,000th hit.
I'd like to see that over Joke Shambles --- with the bomb bays open.
Are you talking about the post-match, on-court interview? I just watched the replay and she didn't say anything even remotely like that, and...