1. Trump negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal, and didn't include the provisional Afghani government in the negotiations. Biden was set up to...
This. If Congressmen/women in purple areas and Senators up for reelection in purple states feel Trump is a help to get them reelected, they will...
Again, newest booster is different than vaccine. And Dr. Offitt is for vaccination, even in kids. Why? Because the 2nd leading group of COVID...
Yep. Doctors with years of schooling and medical practice are idiots. But those with no medical training and working at a dentist office? Geniuses...
You keep spouting your vaccine ignorance. It suits you. I will keep listening to the experts, who know a lot more than me. Like the Canadian...
Knows nothing about how vaccines work. Believes himself to be an expert and asks silly questions with zero knowledge. Case in point. COVID...
So you have no idea the basic functionality difference between mRNA vaccines and traditional vaccines, but we're supposed to take your opinion as...
Great business pissing off a country with 40 million potential customers. Who does such a thing? Maybe someone who is so bad they can bankrupt a...
What's the functional difference between how are traditional vaccine works and how a mRNA vaccine works. Let's start there, Mr Know-it-all Expert.
Can you even explain the difference between the active mechanism of a traditional vaccine versus an mRNA vaccine? And why should we listen to a...
It’s been 15 years since the minimum wage has been raised. In 2009, the average Bic Mac cost $3.60. Today, it's $5.29. In 2009, a minimum wage...
The other issue with an athlete or coach betting is every gambler loses. What happens if a guy like Rose goes on a losing streak? And the bookie...
So sad. Can't admit 34 deaths annually year is much worse than 1 in 10 years.
Why can't you admit 34.5 deaths annually year is worse, much worse than 1 death in 10 years? If you want to understand the reduction in deaths...
There were many medical advances made post WWII that helped reduce measles deaths before the vaccine. But the decade before the vaccine became...
Why can't you admit 354 > 1? 354 was the 10 year mortality rate in the yearly 1970s. 1 is the most recent measles morality rate over the last 10...
To further make the point, between 1971 and 1975, there were 35.4 measles deaths per year. This was after the vaccine, but before it became...
Zero < near zero. There were still deaths annually before the vaccine. Post vaccine, deaths have been rare. And only occur in unvaccinated....
Very important to pardon Rose. I'm sure it will help lower the price of eggs immediately.
Near zero? Yes. At zero? No. But before this last death in Texas, it had been a decade since the last measles death. Measles used to also cause...