And now RFK, Jr claims that antibiotics will prevent/cure measles. Can’t believe that such an ignorant person is running HHS.
Unless the illegal protest damages the US Capitol…then Kraskov will grant a pardon.
Have you had measles? Mumps? Rubella? Whooping Cough? Polio?
“Liar’s Club”
Reagan called the USSR the “Evil Empire.” And now Krasnov is in bed with Putin. Disgusting! I’ll bet he claims that the U.S. was responsible...
So Krasnov is truly weaponizing the FBI and DOJ. But I’m sure MAGAts will allow this.
Krasnov is most likely on that list. Wonder if Bondi will go out of her way to protect him.
And dear leader’s minions won’t look at his wasteful spending on airline flights to take migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard!
Start with Ben Sasse’s insane payments in his short term as UF president.
We have AI available to draft documents and I REFUSE to use it at all! Legal pleadings aren’t that difficult to draft.
And Mike Morgan wrote a filing to the court apologizing for the motion…and threw Mr. Ayala of his office right under the the bus!!!
We were promised prices dropping on day one. What happened magats?
How many trans men play women’s sports? Other than William/Lia are there others? (And does the volleyball player from California count?)
Did you feel that same way under FOTUS’s first term when he racked up trillions in additional debt?
Captain EO gives the following orders: Ready…FIRE…aim…
Captain EO is at it again
Can this clown stop with executive orders and start having his people draft bills for Congress to address? Someone tell him that the next...
Since FDR died in office, I guess he was POTUS for life../
Is the Russia-Ukraine war over yet?
When Truman left office his approval rating was very low. History shows that he is one of the better Presidents of the 20th century.